Wednesday, December 14, 2016

About Schools and Education

It does not take money but being open-minded to allow individuals to be themselves. As a retired teacher in the state of Washington, I understand what needs to happen to education. It is not about tests, money, or rigid teacher training, it is about a balanced philosophy for left and right brain creativity.

There is a faction who wants to raise a labor force that does not think for themselves. Schools have been taken over by this agenda and infiltrated the curriculum and purpose of education. What is a real education? To “deliver information” as described by recent educators and Bill Gates is the opposite of the meaning of education. This is the intent of a controlling manipulative group who in our society wishes to govern.

Real education allows that inner person to come alive with imagination, inspiration, and feelings create real people. Free thinkers do not accept tyranny, laws that deprive freedom, and thought control. As a public school teacher with more than fifty years experience, I would like to explain about teaching. It is more important to have a teacher with a rational mind, a healthy attitude, and an open mind, than a trained teacher that is pushed through a restrictive set of curriculum that promotes everyone being the same. 

In the fifties, we taught to the needs of the student, and then it changed to the school district decided what we were to teach, followed by the state mandates, then the federal government had "No Child Left Behind". It has been a slow change of philosophy to create a limited mindset, therefore denying the whole child.

We need diversity and not similarity to make our country strong. We have to have people who think out of the box and are not punished for thinking beyond the current trends of uniformity. Test scores are only a number given to the results of the performance by a student on a given day on a skill learned. It has nothing to do with innate intelligence or ingenuity. To pigeonhole a student with a number and compare them to another person takes away the individuality of the student’s unique abilities and talents. It reduces them to a digit and takes away their personality and personal freedom to be themselves. 

When did leaders come from the well-trained ranks? Only if they have the ability to be creative, intuitive, and offer ideas beyond the confined thinking of the times is there real education.

Our country has departed from our pioneers in education: such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Abraham Maslow. Friedrich Froebel's philosophy was that humans are creative beings. These educators provided an innovative process producing real education for pupils. Teachers need to assist a student in finding their own abilities while discovering learning is limitless.

It is not teaching to fill a student with book learning. In addition, you cannot teach a teacher to think with his heart. However, a person who is able to encourage others to think from his heart did not learn it from a book. This is the real teaching and is not quantifiable. "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." Galileo.

The past movie. "Spare Parts" is a great example of a teacher who allowed high students to enter a contest and use their talents to achieve victory over Ivy League colleges in a national contest for underwater robotics. When the students were encouraged to think with their imaginations, they were not only winners, but gained self-esteem. 

 1. Get the government out of dictating what a student needs. As a teaching when I began teaching in 1961, I identified the students' needs and the teachers in that grade divided the students and met the needs by grouping the classes for certain subjects. It was not the state or Federal government telling what to teach. We did not teach as Bill Gates says, by forcing them to jump hoops that are preset and are not realistic for everyone. The students were encouraged to use their intuition, imagination and develop the individual abilities they had. Another words just a left-brain curriculum creates robots and children with poor self-esteem. People are individuals and no one is the same. 

 2.  The curriculum was not mandated from tests where many children cannot handle this form of evaluation. When labeled a failure for being a square peg in a round hole, the emotional damage may not ever be repaired. 

 3. Our culture teaches failure, depression, and dropout for not meeting some one's idea of who they "should be" instead of letting them grow in into being themselves.

 4.  Creativity is discouraged because book learning and test readiness takes priority. This is a grave mistake if you want to build success within a child. Success breeds success I was taught when in teacher's training.

 5. The cost of becoming a teacher does not match the pay other occupations with the same amount of college education preparation. For the salary earned compared to expense spent, it is wiser to go into another field.

 6. From my experience, I was born a teacher. A basic and diverse background with an emphasis on a major focus does not meant to create humiliating hoops to jump through as I just heard about from a person supervising student teachers. Learning when in a happy situation works much better. A good teacher will drop out of the field because they are sensitive people. What is left is a robot teacher teaching robot students. Is this what we want for education?

As an international speaker, international award winning writer, international author, international consultant, international columnist, international board certified regression therapist,  artist, and ordained minister for spiritual counseling, I share my experience, strength and hope that everyone will enrich their lives. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Famous Channeler Suzanne Ward sees "Paradigm Busters" as a must-read!

Reviews are coming in for "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" . Get you copy at  

Dear Marilyn...

It’s wonderful that you already have excellent endorsements!  I was waiting to hear that you’re back at your desk so I can send you what I wrote:  

     If you want a joyful, uplifting life, Paradigm Busters: Reveal the Real You is the ultimate “how-to” book. Author Marilyn Redmond leads you step by step into self-empowerment and onto the pathway of self-discovery. Her book is much more than an explicit guide to fearlessly create life circumstances you want—it also takes you on an exhilarating conscious and spiritual journey that reveals your eternal divine soul-self. Paradigm Busters is a must-read!
                                                                           Suzanne Ward
                Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven and other books in the series
With blessings for your work to reach millions of readers, LOVE and PEACE...


Coming soon: "ROAD TO SUCCESS", Marilyn's latest eBook that give you the support and answers to be the hero in your own life while you improve your employment and all other parts of your life! 

"Paradighm Busters" is a Colosal Success with Readers, Internationally

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Moving Out of the Fog-Fear, Obligation, and Guilt

Marilyn L. Redmond talks about her moving beyond the FOG of Fear Obligation and Guilt , on Youtube. Her stories share her changes and progress into gratitude, love, forgiveness, and compassion. This poignant talk shows that overcoming the most difficult times is possible. She has moved into a higher consciousness where her life has changed for the better and she has become fearless, guiltless, and enjoys independence.

Her personal story is inspirational and presents the beneficial results of a new way to respond to victimizing and harmful situations. Learning that love never fails has been a valuable lesson. Her account shares several experiences for learning healthy responses that bring better results.  

Learning trust, faith, and to follow her inner guidance has brought a new life of peace and happiness.   Marilyn's  story can help those looking for answers to come out of being a victim, too. She has changed her motivations from fear by releasing them and replacing love and grace.

Marilyn's latest book is "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You". These  600 pages can transform your life. She details the steps to move out of being a victim, powerless, and insecure. Marilyn has moved out of her past dysfunctional life into a new mindset to find self-love.

With 25 years of crating, her book is the ultimate how to book for those looking for answers that work. She found life is not a mystery, if you understand the dynamics of the universe. Now you can overcome your fears and other problems, too. 

 Marilyn is one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light and healing desperately desired. This book is a must for anyone interested in the relationship between spiritual, psychological, and medical healing.

A true and inspiriting story of injury and the search for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. It is a life workbook, University earth. Her teachings and techniques for spiritual, psychological, and medical healing speaks to the higher purpose in life—the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves.   

Check out her website at Her books are at Read her blog Redmond has 126 videos for lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on Youtube at

Sunday, October 9, 2016



Marilyn Redmond

Total darkness hides my path.
Not a glimmer of light shines.
Only fear, shame, and family guilt
surround and fill my essence.
How lonely, no one there for me.
Nothing to grasp for security.
Lost in the dark, what can I change? 
Without a clue I try to do life another way
Walking into brick walls, the bleeding hurts.

Years of abuse, anguish, and pain
Continues every step in agony.
Hoping for a better life eludes me.
How do you leave this prison to breathe?
Death fills me, the end is here.  A spark
Of light, tells me I want to exist.
How do I find the way? Amazingly,
Answers appear.  A path materializes
For my initiation to start.

Being honest, is the first clue
Hope and faith emerge to light the way.
Work to release all the obstacles, gradually
Allow more light to shine, brightness dawns.
Consciousness confirms my picture expanding
As a new puzzle piece fits into place.
Letting go of the obstructions to truth,
Reality increases.  As my nightmare leaves,
More sunshine appears.  

Clarity, harmony nurture security; no longer alone.
Continuing this journey into additional love
Brings gifts daily of inner happiness, joyfulness.
Removing every negative piece
Allows more grace to fill the empty space
Good feelings become frequent
Enjoy and share.  Past pains of separation
Dispel in the sunlight of my spirit.

Disease, miseries throbbing, disappear
Love like icing covers past disloyalty.
Coming home to caring arms
Surround me in unconditional charm.
No more criticism, judgment, or condemnation
Evermore embracing my infinite light within saying
All is good, all is love.

My inner home is eternally enduring.    ©2015 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection-Understanding and Tools

"Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" is now available. This book contains years of experience, understanding, and tools for self love through healing and wholeness.  Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT  is one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light and healing desperately desired.  

Your copy is printed and mailed to you when you order it at  Or get your copy on Kindle.

 "This book is a must for anyone interested in the relationship between spiritual, psychological, and medical healing. A true and inspiriting story of injury and the search for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. It's a life workbook, University earth. Marilyn's teachings and techniques for spiritual, psychological, and medical healing speak to the higher purpose in life—the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves." Sidney Kirkpatrick, author of Edgar Cayce an American Prophet

 Dr. Kathleen Drake, Chiropractor, says “A new approach for a New Age. This book contains a lifetime of wisdom and insight into the mind-body-spirit connection of healing and wholeness. If you are trying to reach new levels of health or trying to find your purpose in life, this book is a must read." 

A reader replied, "Excellent book Marilyn! Now I understand more clearly about what is keeping people from knowing God. It is fear. I learned from your book, we meditate to receive love from the Universe." In addition, a reader wrote a review stating, "Ms Redmond's book speaks to me on many levels. She made clear the dynamics of my emotional problem what a relief!"

Redmond is a pioneering and innovative worker in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. Her understanding and wisdom of the human dilemma and the solutions will work for you, too. There are numerous interviews about her book on Youtube. She is available for speaking, interviews, seminars, individual counseling, regression therapy, and personal psychic readings. 

She is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. Redmond teaches in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. Her radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, interviews, and TV appearances are big successes. 

She has a variety of talents and credentials. Redmond is an international writer, speaker, counselor, and consultant. She has seven inspirational books at .   Her website  contains information about the many spiritual gifts with which you can receive help. In addition, you will find her own radio shows, articles, and art on her website. Visit her blog at  or see her videos on // Read her international column on

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Marijuana Is A Toxic Substance Like Any Drug

Just because marijuana/cannabis is a natural substance does not make it safe. Would you take nightshade, a known toxic, poisonous plant just because it grows? As a counselor and a recovering person, I have seen the addiction and horrors of those who cannot get off the influence of this substance, medically or otherwise. I witnessed a person in treatment who tried to kill himself under the influence and was found lying in his blood and how he survived was a miracle. In treatment after 21 days he was still deep into his addiction and not ready to go home like the rest of us. My friend's husband took it for medical reasons, and lost his sanity as he raged and threw me out of his home, screaming I was insane and crazy. It took one of my clients three years to break the habit/addiction of marijuana. With one year of sobriety she is building a new life without sexual abuse and finding her personal love. I find it to be as much a drug as any other toxic substance. That it is natural is not the issue. It is what it does to the person. 

It is like someone drinking alcohol to run from reality. You can use any toxic substance to stop the sunlight of the spirit in your life. A drug, is a drug, is a drug. The label of the drug is not the problem. The problem is a person needs to stay toxic free to be rational and have a conscious contact with God. 

Encouraging people to use marijuana is for keeping people victimized and without their personal power to be a good follower and not be able to think for themselves. Drugged people have given away their power. The leader, dictator, president can run the show, and the person is without any defense. This is a game.

My newest book, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" explains the woundedness in a person who uses any substance, addiction, even illness to run from reality. I offer the steps to regain a conscious contact with a higher power to restore sanity.

I have 31 years off alcohol and over 15 years off all prescriptions and drugs. I have become sane. Most people blot out their reality someway, Marijuana is just the recent excuse. 

"The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes" Aldous Huxley 

Marijuana allows people to stay in the prison and not know how to leave. 

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How Do You Harness Your Energy?

Have you often felt powerless and without control of your life? Are we really lacking the ability to influence your circumstances? Why do some people get the great results, while you sit on the sidelines?

You have energy in your life. The answer lies in how you use your inner spirit often labeled energy. Some people ignore this beneficial influence and some people have learned to harness their energy and use it well. It is often called chi, prana, or vital life force. An invisible, beneficent, vibrating force that gives us growth and manifests in my life is a new thought for some.

Spiritual power is invisible and usually not included for personal direction and guidance in life. This power can also be thought of as a Creative Intelligence or universal consciousness underlying the totality of things. Edgar Cayce the great psychic of the 20th century called it the Creative Forces and in the movie, Star Wars, called it "The Force". 

Over the ages, the message has been that we have little influence over our predicaments. In the past, I believed that I would always be in a terrible, horrible, and painful life being raised and married into domestic violence. After years of playing the victim and giving away my power, I discovered that I did not have to do that. It was time to stop volunteering to be a victim.

Finding different ways to manifest a healthier life style became my new goal.* First, I had to be committed to going to any lengths to change my old ways and ideas. They brought on my depression, harm, and illness. The old ideas were ingrained in me from my family, church, medicine, school, and societies' rules. Instead, I had to trust my inner love/light to support me.

My answer was to change my thoughts and beliefs for new results. I could alter my thinking into a new productive mindset. My imprisonment from false beliefs and thinking could bring freedom. Transforming my attitudes from negative to the positive became a major challenge for my new way of living.

Affirmations became my new encouraging view. Realizing they were simple statements of truth surprised me. I discovered that I had lived in fantasy and not reality. I felt changes happening.
The fact is fear attracts fearful results. Fearful messages edge God out. As I let go of each fear, I started to merge more of God's love and grace in to fill the empty space left.

I began to identify each of my ego's messages that were projecting fear and producing my lifelong misery. That there is a universal law that "Like attracts like" became a new understanding. Sending out loving energy would improve my circumstances. I cannot have fear and faith at the same time.

Staying in fear keeps me immature. A child is afraid of the Boogie Man. With the light of truth, the darkness leaves. I can then respond in a loving mature response. Because I was truly wanting a happy life, my ego needed to be reduced from running the show.*

Discovering a hundred forms of fear was my chief motivation was a new understanding. I found fearful ideas created irrational results. They were the obstacles to a better life; I was ready to let them go. That is why I never could improve my life. I learned, "Let go and let God". I also used a God Box where I placed a piece of paper with each named fear written on it, to release them from my mind.  Life started to feel better. It was working.

In addition, resentments had to be recognized and released. They are symbolic of a little child throwing a temper tantrum because something or someone did not go their way. Transforming the anger of the resentment into being upset and then disappointed, I found that furious energy gradually dissolves. Today, I choose to act in helpful ways and forgive.

Directing my power beyond the childish responses opens new doors to abundance and prosperity. This brings a new sense of security and comfort.

Messages of my lack of security and lack of love from the ego were the only obstacles to manifesting happiness and prosperity. Therefore, allowing spirit to flow through me and expand is necessary. Spirituality is energy in expansion. Watching the miracles appear is amazing.

Spirituality is very practical. Moving into a loving basis was exciting to me. My life began to bloom. Changing negative thoughts, words, or actions into positive ones made a difference.
I found a decorative plaque in a bookstore that listed the fruits of the spirit.  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."Galatians 5:22-23 is a typical list for the aspects of spirituality. Each week, I practice a different aspect and apply it in my life. Over time, my progress has shown harmony and peace. This is my reward.

When I express gratitude, even more goodness manifests. Listing everything for which I am grateful and adding to my gratitude list, brings further happiness. In addition, learning forgiveness is a major change for me. This removes the victim chains to the past. I found compassion for those people, as they are hurting from their own problems. Learning that we are all one in spirit brings unconditional love. I can love the person and not the behavior.

These ideas change everything. I am free to be myself. Stopping my reacting in fear to responding in love is empowering. I move beyond resentments and fear into maturity knowing everything is exactly as it needs to be for my lessons in growing up. Trusting that the universe will support me in all things brings peace of mind and grace. Being of assistance to others from my newfound love in my heart brings "Heaven on Earth". 

*The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm Bringing Heaven to Earth, Marilyn Redmond,
*Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You, Marilyn L. Redmond,
I am a psychic/medium and provide readings. If you are interested, please contact me at For more about me check out my website Angelica’s Gifts,, search for me on YouTube, and read my blog at My newsletter is available at


Saturday, July 9, 2016

About Alzheimer’s Disease

About Alzheimer’s Disease

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT
Internationally Board Certified for Regression Therapy 

Disease means you are at dis-ease. So what does a person do to become at-ease and not have any diseases? Be open to the love in your life; open your heart instead of run from reality. Any disease is a signal that the vital life force is not circulating through your being to nourish it as blood nourishes your body. Any obstacles or barriers to this emotional flow in your system stops the healthy energy from traveling into all your cells. Allowing this energy is like plugging into electricity to make something work. Therefore, when it is missing your life is not energized and ultimately you will die. All disease is a red flag to connect to the missing emotional power usually called love.

Our society is steeped in fear, which stops this beneficent force from feeding your being. What are your fears? Are they from the past? These items stop your health and happiness. Sadly, most people ignore what they do not want to address. This causes the disease. Moving into the present and releasing the past suffering and pain behind allows you to live. You are available to feel the love within and enjoy your life.

The Chinese doctors for thousands of years have known that these blockages from fearful feelings stop the flow of your spirit that is also called life-force, chi, or similar terms. It is the releasing or removing of the fearful blockage that allows your spirit to move completely through out for a healthy body. 

Your disease is only a warning sign that you are not in harmony with the universe. It signals that the spirit of your being is not functioning in your life. Of course, it makes sense to have a healthy body without toxic foods or other substances as prescriptions, drugs, or compulsions as shopping, addiction as smoking, sugar, etc. These also block the energy flow through the meridians of your emotional system. Looking outside for answers to cure your disease are only ways to divert your attention from the inner life of your loving reality.  

  John H. Tilden, M.D. in his book, Toxemia: The Basic Cause of Disease, states: Dreadful afflictions do not “plague us.” If we are plagued by disease, it is of our own building; and all we need to do to get back to comfort and health is to quit building disease; then our subconscious self gets busy cleaning house…And when the truth is known that healing or the power to throw off disease and getwell is  wholly within the subconscious and is personal, we will know that curing and palliating by the administration of remedies—drugs, serums, vaccines, surgery, feeding to keep up the strength, etc. — are superfluous, meddlesome, and on the order of throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery. (p.39)

When you eat properly, help others through volunteering in numerous ways, participate in activities, and find time to enjoy yourself through interests, hobbies, sports as golf, and outdoor like bicycling, hikes, gardening, etc., you have no reason to be in dis-ease. That is unless you still have past emotional baggage you have not released which is taking your energy, so you cannot be present in your life.

My sister-in-law died from Alzheimer’s, because when her husband died, she gave up living. Get into life and live it not just walk through it in a fog of denial, forgetfulness, and ignoring your distress from unpleasant circumstances. 

If you are emotionally present in your life, it is likely you will not have Alzheimer’s. I had a friend who died of Alzheimer’s. Not addressing his past ordeals and tragedies kept him in denial.  The best alternative is to heal old wounds with love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude to be alive and enjoy your life.  

The Father of Holistic Medicine is Edgar Cayce. He has quotes that bring truth. He said that the mind is the builder. What are you building? Health or illness. In addition, he states, “There are in truth no incurable conditions”. I know today that we are connected to that beneficent inner energy which people also call spirit.  Our inner spirit brings happiness, joy, and frees us to be ourselves when we allow it to flow through our lives. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Marilyn L. Redmond Sponsored by Famous Dr. PMH Atwater of Near-Death Phenomena

Marilyn L. Redmond is now listed on the website of the famous Dr. PMH Atwater. Dr. Atwater is an international authority on near-death experiences. Her site is one of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon! See Marilyn's listing on Dr. Atwater's website at

Dr. Atwater says that "Marilyn's experience as a very young child kept her alive. Over the years that followed, Marilyn survived domestic abuse, a dozen life-threatening events, healed nine addictions, and was declared sane by her psychiatrist. No joke. This woman’s been through “the mill” in a life that continually challenged everything she knew to be true. As with most near-death experiencers, “downloads” continued for her afterward. What I mean by “downloads” is that information and revelations from the Other Side can continue to occur for experiencers long after the phenomenon is over. This is especially true for Marilyn.

"Marilyn wrote a book entitled Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You.' I became fearless and moved out of hell and into Christ Consciousness. By sharing my story, I hope to empower all my clients, students, and readers to seek their healing, using the gifts within, and the pure grace of God’s Love.' She says her wisdom comes directly from her Spirit Guides and angels in the various readings, writing, and teaching that she does. Yup, this woman in now an Award Winning Writer, Speaker, Consultant, Columnist (she has a blog and a newsletter), Counselor, and Psychic/Medium." Her interviews, lectures, and channeling are on Youtube.

Dr. Atwater believes "Marilyn is genuine". In addition, Dr. Atwater said in receiving Marilyn's information for her latest work exclaimed, "Well, my dear, you came through in spades. Thank you so much for being a part of this study. I honor you, I appreciate you, and I bless you. In spirit, PMH". 

Redmond is one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light/healing desperately desired. Redmond says that her story is not a fairy tale, although many will disregard her genuine information that confirms life is an inside job.

Her credentials include Internationally Board Certified for Regression Therapy, on the American Board of Hypnosis, a lifetime member of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. As an ordained spiritual minister, Marilyn does counseling, past life therapy, readings, and talks to those passed over. Her channeling is monthly and found on Youtube. She has taught in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. It is easy to see Marilyn's extensive and exciting work. She recently became am international columnist with "The Sussex Newspaper" in England. 

website is Enjoy her books at . She has her own blog at and writes for several other blogs. Many lectures, interviews, and spiritual information are on Youtube at  
Her mail link to subscribe to her newsletter is


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Create Empowerment and Live in Love

With "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" by Marilyn L. Redmond has written the ultimate "how to" bring which brings your life empowerment and enrichment. The answers to life are no longer a mystery. My newest volume has hands on tools and many stories to support your raising your consciousness into fearlessness known as heaven on earth. This enlightening book will provide a blueprint for inner success and peace of mind. It is available at
"Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You"  is her latest exciting book to provide the truth with answers to life. This paperback provides the process to move into an elevated awareness of unconditional love beyond your fears. Crafted for 25 years from Redmond's life events and insights, this compelling book, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You", facilitate readers from all walks of life in search of true inner peace and guidance.
My book shares her powerful life story and experience, which I have achieved. My electrifying volume, "delivers a paradigm-shifting guide for spiritual, psychological, and medical healing. It's a life workbook. University earth. She offers the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves." says Sidney Kirkpatrick, author of “Edgar Cayce, an American Prophet”
Another testimonial for Redmond's exceptional work is by Gladys Taylor McGarey M.D. MD [H] founder of the Holistic American Medical Association. “Marilyn Redmond has spent her life bringing light and love from the realm of angels and spirit to this world of ours. In this book she shares with us, some of her rich history as she helps us better understand the beauty of our own Divine selves.” 
An additional tribute by Dr. Kathleen Drake, Chiropractor, says “A new approach for a New Age. This book contains a lifetime of wisdom and insight into the mind-body-spirit connection of healing and wholeness. If you are trying to reach new levels of health or trying to find your purpose in life, this book is a must read."
Are you ready to leave your pain and suffering behind? Skillfully written from my experience and awareness, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" is written in easy to read language rather than the archaic, complicated explanations of the past. Everyone can utilize the simple progression that produces results for inner assistance and direction in loving resolutions.
I found fear is an illusion. My story is almost unbelievable, and inspirational to many who have medical, relationship, or other problems. Transforming my from domestic violence, a dozen life-threatening events, resolved nine addictions, and was declared sane by her psychiatrist was a journey into truth. With assistance from Archangel Michael and her masters, I became fearless and moved out of hell. By sharing my story, I hope to empower all readers to seek their healing, using the gifts within, and the pure grace of God's love.
I came as one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light/healing desperately desired. My story is not a fairy tale, although many will disregard her genuine information that confirms life is an inside job.
The Sussex Newspaper recently declared Marilyn a "Wellness Expert". The English newspaper announced her as their columnist. My wisdom comes directly from my experience, spirit guides, and angels aiding me to write in uncomplicated terms rather than the ancient languages of the past.
My accomplishments include International Award Winning Writer, Speaker, Author, Consultant, Columnist, Counselor, and Psychic/Medium to help you find your empowerment and higher consciousness. She produced and hosted her own radio show. I often appear on radio, television, and Youtube. For over 25 years, I have successfully presented programs at universities, colleges, wellness centers, and metaphysical/spiritual groups. My credentials include being an internationally board certified as a Past Life Therapist, American Board Certified Hypnotist, and an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, channeling, and readings.
Redmond has over 5200 views on Youtube. Her blog is  Her many books are on Sign up for Redmond's her newsletter at Visit her official website at

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Edgar Cayce program with Life's Answers

An Edgar Cayce program on May 21, 2016 at 1:oopm. Release your fears and find your love inside. Join me for an afternoon of answers. Click:, for a brochure with the registration. 
See you there!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

News Release for workshop "Living in the Principle of Love" with Marilyn L. Redmond

Edgewood, WA

"Living in the Principle of Love" is a coming program on May 21, 2016 at 1:00 pm at the Normandy Park Congregational Church in Normandy Park, WA with international author, speaker, counselor, and psychic/medium, Marilyn L. Redmond. This exciting PowerPoint workshop will provide you with the process to move your life into a elevated awareness known as unconditional love or Christ Consciousness. She spent 25 years writing "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" that shows you "how to" raise your consciousness into fearlessness known as heaven on earth.  Her enlightening class will provide your own copy of  her latest book, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You". The link has more information and a link to a brochure for registration. The answers to life are no longer a mystery.

 Her next step is to share her powerful life story and experience, which she has achieved. Her electrifying book, "delivers a paradigm-shifting guide for spiritual, psychological and medical healing. It's a life workbook. University earth. She offers the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves."  said Sidney Kirkpatrick, author of  “Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet”

Another  testimonial for her exceptional work  is by Gladys Taylor McGarey M.D. MD [H] founder of the Holistic American Medical Association. “Marilyn Redmond has spent her life bringing light and love from the realm of angels and spirit to this world of ours. In this book she shares with us, some of her rich history as she helps us better understand the beauty of our own Divine selves.” 

Another tribute is by Dr. Kathleen Drake, Chiropractor, said  “A new approach for a New Age. This book contains a lifetime of wisdom and insight into the mind-body-spirit connection of healing and wholeness. If you are trying to reach new levels of health or trying to find your purpose in life, this book is a must read."

Crafted from Marilyn's life and experiences "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" is written to facilitate readers from all walks of life in search of  true inner peace and guidance.  Her story is almost unbelievable, and inspirational to many who have medical and relationship problems. Are you ready to leave your pain and suffering behind?

With the assistance of  Archangel Michael and her masters, Marilyn transformed her life from domestic violence, a dozen life threatening events, healed nine addictions, and was declared sane. By sharing her life story, Marilyn hopes to empower all readers to seek this healing, using the gifts within and the pure grace of God's love.

She says that her story is not a fairy tale, although many will disregarded her genuine information that confirms life is an inside job. Marilyn was declared a "wellness expert" by The Sussex Newspaper recently when they requested her as a columnist.  Her wisdom comes directly from her Spirit Guides and angels aiding her to write in simple terms. Marilyn is one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light/healing desperately desired.

Marilyn's accomplishments include International Award Winning Writer, Speaker, Author, Consultant, Columnist, Counselor, and Psychic/Medium to help you find your empowerment and higher consciousness. She is internationally board certified for Past Life Therapy, hypnotism, and she is an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, readings, and channeling. She produced and hosted her own radio show.  She has presented programs for over 25 years, at universities, colleges, wellness centers, and metaphysical groups. 

 She has had over 5200 viewers on Youtube.  Her blog is  Her many books are on Sign up for her newsletter at Visit her official website at                                                                                                  


Friday, March 25, 2016

A Response to the Musical Play "Assassins"

RE: A response to the musical play "Assassins"

Thank you for your lengthy explanation. I do appreciate all your work at the Fifth Ave. I love to attend your quality productions. I believe you have a mission and diligently bring superior productions to the stage. I know how qualified and talented you are.

However, we are on earth to raise our souls into unconditional love and thereby create peace on earth. When our focus is distracted to dark issues that are guideposts to what needs to be changed, our lessons become more volatile until we wake up to the solution. Albert Einstein said we cannot solve a problem on the same level of which it was created; we need a higher power. 

It is possible to raise our consciousness into loving solutions. Without learning this, people lose hope. In Man of La Mancha, South Pacific, Sound of Music, and others, they show the encouragement of achieving a new motivation from moving into loving resolutions that gives the audience hope and encouragement. 

In the play South Pacific, the song says, "You have to be carefully taught." The leading lady overcomes her prejudices from her southern growing up. The girl, Aldonza, becomes Dolcina, because she has found a new life inside her of "worth", through the love from a distance continuing to her. This lesson is when love is sent, people are free to change. In Sound of Music, the words say in one song, you have to give love away for it to become real. In addition, that they leave their country because they will not allow themselves to be oppressed by government is an outstanding lesson, of not allowing themselves to be victims and accept tyranny. People are hungry for a better life, to replace their inner pains. Entertainment that brings that message is a blessing and raises the consciousness of the earth not just the audience. 

In "Starlight Express," the song near the end tells us, that the power is within, "You have the power". How much this helped me overcome a childhood and 30 year marriage of domestic violence with physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse is my story. I have been close to death nearly a dozen times. This short message made a huge shift in my ability to overcome a lifetime of violence and abuse.

 Life is about finding the love and empowerment within and becoming a new person. Ground Hog Day, the movie, is a great example that each time, he sees finally, what he can do to improve and outgrow his selfishness. Sadly, society has been taught to enjoy violence, not forgive, to judge others, and do harm to those who harm you even when it is imagined. This attitude keeps people a victim instead of empowering them. This will never bring the inner peace on earth that everyone wants. 

What we focus on becomes our reality. It is always a choice to outgrow the past hurts and harms. This is called maturity. Yes, some of them are most difficult. I tried suicide several times, my ex-husband tried to kill me several times. I have endured incest, molestation, rape. I have healed nine addictions, and been declared sane from mental illness. Today I have a relationship of unconditional love with a fellow who treats me with respect. The wonderful lyrics of Hammerstein and similar shows became a lifeline to move above the insanity of my life. 

 I have found if our minds are on the darkness, the light within cannot dissolve it. However, releasing this negative focus, for a positive one, we find the light within. Choosing to focus on positive messages, thoughts, and behaviors creates love and peace, which is often called heaven on earth.

We create our own reality by what we choose to see and be. I have chosen life, love, and happiness no longer letting my ego run the show. If we keep darkness as our focus, that is what we become. We can outgrow fear, unworthiness, lack, and insecurity. It is possible to outgrow these fears from the ego. It is called growing up. I became fearless and have found that unconditional love. As the song says, "Let it begin with me". 

There is an old Indian story that I love to remember that helps me return to the right path. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is God. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed."

My latest book has this story and is at the publishers, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" is the ultimate self-help book to show systematically how to move our consciousness into that love and peace that surpasses all understanding. Love is within when we give up all that does not love. The nightmare can leave. The real life is seeing everyone through the "eyes of love" which is reality. 

I have refrained about several of your productions about which you mentioned. I saw spiritual bankruptcy in the play "Grey Gardens". I did not leave the theater feeling exhilarated. However, I know the play well and was singing the songs from "How to Succeed…" for days after that play and I felt so good and happy.   

You influence thousands of people. And yes, "The sun will come out tomorrow," or the lyrics of "When you walk through a storm", bring hope and encouragement when we focus on that.  This can be a mission of spreading a message that supports a culture that is healthy, happy and peace of mind. Thank you for your concern and addressing this. I do realize you have decisions. I would hope they will promote wellbeing for us all.


Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT

International Speaker, International award winning writer, International Author, International Consultant, International Columnist, Artist, and ordained minister for spiritual counseling.

I share my experience, strength and hope to find inner strength and consciousness for health, healing, and empowerment in a higher consciousness.