Monday, July 22, 2024


Tips to Improve Your Life 

By Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond

 It is possible to have better days when you understand how the energy of the universe works. Have your thought  about changing yourself to improve what appears each day? The ego mind produces fear messages and the heart has positive ones. Some days seem impossible to endure. Some days seem wonderful.

The only way out of it is to change your focus from the ego to your heart, by releasing those negative messages. When you substitute positive for inner negative talking, life changes. Most of us are taught to fear death, pain, and other challenges. Yet, to a Zen master, all are great blessings. They offer the message as an opportunity to replace the thoughts to being grateful, forgiving, and having compassion.                                   

Our true practice is to come to view suffering as a mental exercise. They guide us to let go of the ego mind, which would like us to be in pain, inadequacy, guilt, shame, attacking or peaceless, self –justification, or self-reproach. When we move our focus to our hearts, we realize the unity of all that is.

Tesla said if you want to understand the universe it is about energy, vibration, and frequency.  Edgar Cayce the great psychic of the Twentieth Century said that,  all lowest form of electrical vibration is the basis of life and For without passing through each and every stage of development, there is not the correct vibration to become one with the Creator. He also stated that, only when they become spiritual are they only positive.

 The negative are all false associations and not real. The Supreme Being of love is within us all. Only through awareness and living in alignment with our Soul can we claim this power. It is PURE LOVE. 

 Spiritual practices, mantras, or people do not give it. One must claim it and with the power of will and then to integrate it into our life. It happens when we are in a state of deep honesty and truthfulness with ourselves. This is usually called meditation.  My book, "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon has the guidelines to release the barriers within that stop love.

 If we allow our inner voice. of the ego to be at cause, its sting is worse than a sword. Alternatively, let us focus on remaining in unwavering stillness. Do not react, but move instead into that state that dissolves into the pureness of our being, which is Love. Tune into the breath. Move into the mind of silent presence. This vital life force or equanimity is what you are. It cannot be lost. Heartfelt remembering guides one to be true to oneself.

You either project the ego-based feelings of low vibrations or choose to move into higher vibrations that characterize love such as kindness, patience, caring, gratitude, or forgiveness. Because thoughts are things and have their effect upon individuals, especially those that become overly sensitive to outside influences. They become just as physical as sticking a pin in the hand. This pain is passed on to others.  Through transforming your inner self into being positive instead of negative,  projects out to others and then what you see, hear, experience returns to you.  They mirror back you what you projected. People are a mirror to you.

Your experience is telling you what you need to change in you. When I was able to identify each of my fears and lack of trust in people because of my past, I replaced them with love and grace. I changed from being a very shy, withdrawn, and afraid little gift inside to becoming myself.  When I turned that into realizing the all people are friends I have not yet met. I found my shyness disappeared over time, and today I am able to reach out to others, and enjoy having new friends.  What goes around comes around.

The following suggestions help to turn my life into a new adventure of being in the party instead of the wallflower. These tips remind me how to respond in life instead of react from my fear, guilt, shame, and other lower vibrations that are not the real me.

 1.  Make peace with our past so it will not disturb your present.

2.      2.What other people think of you is none of your business.

3.      3.Time heals almost everything, give it time.

4.       4.Only you are in charge of your happiness.

5.      5.Do not compare your life to others; their path is different from their                      experiences.

6.      6. Do not judge others as they came with their own set of life experiences to             resolve.

7.      7.Move from your ego/brain into your heart to find the answers. They will                come to you when you least expect them.

8.      8. Smile, you are only responsible for your reactions to life.

The process described in  "Paradigm Busters" is very effective to do an inner house cleaning which brings great results. We learn to live in the now and release the past fears, resentments, and immature conduct.  Living in the "Now" is reality. When I am in the moment it is a gift and that is why it is called The Present.

There is an additional way to move into being present in your life and to no longer carry the baggage of the past. When you send prayers to the person, that is upsetting you, and then the energy shifts as you are projecting out what you want for yourself. Your feelings will change about the situation or person. A way to do this is praying 4 short thoughts to the other person on a daily basis for two weeks. .  It is called The Ho'oponopono Prayer.   It releases the past baggage to enjoy being in reality.

Ho'oponopono Prayer

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.


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My latest book reveals the hidden answers to our current problems!


Part 4: Close Up Radio Welcomes Back Marilyn Redmond of Angelica’s Gifts

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, ABH, IBRT

As a highly regarded healer, Marilyn Redmond’s life mission is focused on restoring the planet mind, body, and spirit. Her incredible work as an ordained minister, spiritual counselor, past life regressionist, past life therapist, and teacher has led her on many paths to help her clients. She also channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and our loved ones who have passed over to the other side which gives us incredible comfort and assurance. Marilyn is the author of 11 books, including Road to Success; Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You; Roses Have Thorns; and The Real Meaning of 2012: A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth, Finding Reality Beyond Fear, and her latest book called Spark of Truth.

The Spark of Truth is another eye opener and with determination, perseverance, and her own well documented research, Marilyn has sought to open our eyes to the very truth of how much are we literally being lied to and brainwashed for centuries our own government and media.

Through Marilyn’s incredible books, YouTube channel, lectures, and healing work, she teaches us that love is boundless and infinite.  She emphasizes how we need to live in the now rather than recreating the past over and over so that finally, delicately, and with self-assuredness we move into the life we are really designed to be living.

Besides her inspiring and informative healing and speaking engagements, all of Marilyn’s books are about how we can move into the purity and divine light.

Marilyn urges us not to live in fear and how we can collectively change the world.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond

 Moving Beyond Fear

By Marilyn L. Redmond

Growing up in a life of fear in a dysfunctional family, I did not even understand I was a fear-based person. That was my usual environment. I was always reacting trying to survive and protect myself in the family situations. Awakening to the understanding that the fear stopped my adulthood, was a huge realization. In my attempt to grow up, I had to identify the fears that stopped my progress into maturity. I was acting immature. I committed to becoming a love-based person instead of a fear-based person. Through applying the many tools and understandings in my prior articles on The Sussex Newspaper,  I was declared sane by my psychiatrist. Fear had stopped my sanity.                    

Today, I still can have fear surface, however, I have the knowledge of how emotional energies called feelings work. Recently, I had a sever issue come up that brought on intense fear. I felt like David in David and Goliath in the Bible.  My fear had been that they would censor my current book as it has political overtones for people to find truth about existing issues in government and in our lives. Most of our information today is censored on the news, television, newspapers, books, and more. "A Spark of Truth" reveals the agenda for the present existing issues on the planet and in our governments.

Now that I understand how to move through my feelings, I felt the feelings, shared them with a healthy friend, and proceeded to the meeting where the opposition was waiting for me. Because I had learned to feel the feelings and not stuff them, and turn to the "Father of Light" for shining the truth on the situation, I found a surprising resolution awaited me. 

The light had dissipated the results into not being terrifying. Actually, the meeting brought a better solution to a concern I had been trying to resolve with my publisher for some time. .When I was told why the meeting was necessary, I went into relaxing and pleased that finally my requests for compiling all my work on Amazon to one site was being heard. 

I want to share information about fear so you can move through your fears and know it is part of the process of growing up beyond the fear. .Emotions are energy and they are to flow through as you feel them so the good feelings can follow to replace what is leaving. This allows the transformation from being a fear-based person into being a love-based person.

More about fear and love. When you hold your breath, this is what occurs when you are experiencing fear. Imagine if you are holding fear in different parts of your body and your being. Simply wish to recognize the power that fear has over your body and being. The opposite energy to fear is love.

Love helps you thrive, experience success, feel nurtured, access the life force energy, and be surrounded with divine vibrations. Most beings upon the earth experience both fear and love. Sometimes almost at the same time, you may not even recognize the fear. It is interesting when you experience fear. When you experience love – the love of the Creator flowing through your being – it is natural that fear might arise because the love is encouraging you to move beyond boundaries and limitations, thus the fears automatically come up to be cleansed and recognized.

If you push them to the side, then you allow yourself to exist within love, however, if there is fear still present…maybe underneath…maybe hidden…and thus you are not able to engage fully with the love vibration. There is a need to sit within and accept the fear, in order to experience greater love vibrations. Fear can be overwhelming. Love can also be overwhelming. In many ways, love always activates the fear that needs to be released in order for greater love to be experienced. Fear allows the opportunity for love to be present, if you so choose.

Love allows the opportunity for fears to rise…to be popped as if they are bubbles…for greater love to be experienced. The only negative part of this relationship, you might say, is if you are experiencing fear but are unable to call in the love vibrations. You are only actually in a space of fear when you are not willing or not able to call in the love vibration or not willing or able to face the fear, and to understand it.

If you are willing to do so, then you are always experiencing love. You are always existing as and in the love vibration, even if you are experiencing fear. You may wish to recognize that you are always a being of love, resolving fears, releasing/dispersing fears. The greatest understanding is actually to not fear your fears.

If you are willing to love your fears – to face them, to be with them, to understand them and let them disperse – you are loving your fears. You may still experience fear, but fear will become a part of your relationship with love… as if a friend that you know will return…but the more that you are willing to be present with your fears, the less that friend will return.

Only for simplicity of speaking do we usually say light or love—the words are interchangeable because light and love are the very same energy. Light is who you are, powerful immortal souls. Simply, light IS divine. Light and its indivisible love component is Creator Source energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the very essence of life itself. Love-light is Creator and Creation!

This entire universe is light. Words emit vibrations, and the vibrations of light, peace, and love are among the highest. Light strengthens the immune system and helps to achieve and maintain the balance that promotes healthy bodies, minds, and spirits.

Reception of light is the province of the soul. What it is, is understanding that darkness is not the enemy of light or the opposite of light, it is the absence of light, and only by having that void filled with light can the darkness in people be overcome. When light-love is in minds and hearts, it brings more “love” to you, and wars and violence stop.

The power of light-love is the key to everything! I thought that by loving people, we automatically send light to them, but now I am finding that there is more to it. You are actually being filled with light simply by the experience.

Consent daily to the “everyday” use of light. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.

Listening to one’s godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace in your heart and mind is love. All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love. Love never fails.

Watch my latest video interview with Jim Masters

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Healing Your Soul

  Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond

HEALING YOUR SOUL –Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond


Marilyn is a great soul…She is one of my most successful Lightworkers and I am extremely proud of her and grateful for her contribution to our earth. She is simply the best! –With gratitude and admiration for her talent and skill. Linda Schiller-Hanna Founder, Natural Psychic School of Metaphysics, Founder, Angel Love Healing Center, Speaker: Edgar Cayce's   A. R.E . Intuition Trainer.

Marilyn explains that our issues are deeper from experiences and trauma that are triggered in our daily lives. When in an altered state as hypnotism or meditation the origin of the problem can be reframed from prior fears and resolved to bring new responses to those old situations. Rather than repeating the family issues, it is possible to move beyond into your own authenticity. You move from coming from your ego into your heart and creating your own reality.

She shares  her experience in finding the answers to heal through a spiritual path. We can create a new life from our hearts. Her prayer from her heart has brought a new life for her with a happiness, and joy she never thought possible.

You can do this process on your own through following the information in her books. "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon  has the steps to move out of your fear, replace it with the love, and grace which is your inheritance as a child of a beneficent universe. . "The Road to Success" has tools and stories about living in the present and improving your life daily. Her Book, "Finding Reality Beyond Fear" has information to maintain reality and move beyond into Christ Consciousness

Marilyn's book, "The Real Meaning of 2012, Bringing Heaven to Earth" explains the vibrational meaning of fear with duality of good and bad in the third dimension. It is possible to move through fourth dimension of God consciousness and into a higher conscious of unconditional love. Transitioning into the fifth dimension is usually called Christ Consciousness or maturity. In this state, there is no longer need for wars, lacking, or thinking ourselves as unworthy. .All is good and love never fails. Love is the eyes through which you now see the world and yourself. .

Marilyn has taught in  colleges, spiritual groups, and lectured in a university. She became an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, soul healing, past life regressions, mediumship, talking to those past over, channeling ascended masters, and giving Tarot readings. Marilyn is on the International Board for Regression Therapy, IBRT, and on the American Board for Hypnotherapy. ABH.

She just completed her 11th book, "A Spark of Truth" which is on Amazon. "A Spark of Truth" shares information not commonly known due to censorship on television, the news, the internet, publishing houses, newspapers, and more. It offers knowledge, information, and answers to health, religion, education, government, and other problems that have been hidden. There is more to be revealed at deeper levels.

Her other books and E-books are also on Amazon. Marilyn has 195 YouTubes, produced and hosted two radio programs, has two monthly columns. She paints portraits of angels, family, and pets by commission. Her art is included in her books

The Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment internationally distributes her books to prisons. She is in "Who’s Who in America" and in "Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executives". Her volunteer work includes supporting through correspondence with a person in prison. Formerly Marilyn taught in the public schools until retirement.

Her journey reveals the secrets to life and living in reality with love in health, wholeness, happiness, and prosperity; it is available to everyone. Experiencing addictions, mental illness, PTSD, childhood and adult domestic violence are a few of the problems that became Marilyn's laboratory to understand the dynamics of life and living.

Website Website, /

195 videos on You Tube


Monday, May 20, 2024

Learning From the Lessons of Life


Learning From the Lessons of Life


By Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA. ABH. IBRT


I. have learned there are no mistakes in life. It was all planned before I came for my spiritual growth. This was a surprise to me that I wrote a script that included my parents, friends and situations I needed in this lifetime for my spiritual growth. Since I asked the people to play those parts, I could no longer blame them for my problems in life. Their lives were difficult to play those parts for me

These lessons are carefully determined with the help of my guides in spirit for my return for another opportunity to align with the universe and resolve them in responding with loving solutions. Some people call this karma. It is necessary to release the negativity of my past actions to bring balance into my life. The predicaments were mainly from prior times that needed to be resolved so I could move forward into a higher consciousness. The past could no longer keep me stuck in the old problems. Only with resolving them can I grow beyond them. Learning to accept that reality and no longer be in denial is the lesson. This allows me to move out of what felt like hell. I was ready to move up into grace and change my ways and heart to bring peace into my life.

2. The challenges in life are to be met with loving solutions. I realized that reacting from fear and resistance to life challenges kept me in a state of being childish. Responding in loving ways is adulthood. It can be called taking the high road. This keeps me in reality and promotes my maturity. I had to find kind ways to resolve the issues to move beyond and out of my old mind set. In finding caring responses to the predicaments, I felt the old distressing feelings dissolve. It was in not resolving the situations in an appropriate way that kept me in and anguish. I had to allow life to happen and learn from the experiences.

3. Live in the moment that is why it is called <strong>The Present</strong>. As I did not know I was not in reality, but reliving the past repeatedly, I found my history was repeating itself. Some call doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results insanity. I did not know from my growing up you could change your thinking to work for you. By my mental frame of mind still reacting to past situations or worries about the future, I was not living in reality. Reality is right now not the past or the future. When I am in the "Now" which is listening to my instincts, then I am in reality.

4. For me learning to be open-minded and opening my heart is a challenge. Since I did not grow up in a functioning family, I did not have an open heart or an open mind. Keeping me safe was closing my heart down and not opening it as it would be hurt again. The opening of my heart to feel the good/God within has been a long process. It was extremely closed keeping me in survival. The many walls around my heart kept me out of goodness, reality, and enjoying life. Finally, my feelings are flowing more and I have experienced joy, finally. My old thinking was that if the people around me were happy, I could be too. This is a form of co-dependency. Since they were depressed, they did not allow me to be happy. I found a quote by Abraham Lincoln that said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." this gave me permission to be happy even if people around mw were not. I did not have to carry their unhappiness. When I love myself, I can allow others to have their feelings whatever they may be and that will not affect me. I am happy just being me.   

6. Nothing outside myself can save me or give me peace. It is an inside job. My parents were mentally ill and never mature themselves to love themselves. Finally, I discovered life is an inside job. I had to save myself. In changing my fear into love and opening my heart, I found I did not need to be saved, I was born in the love of my Creator and always was loved.. This brought a completely new inner security. I was looking for love in all the wrong places.  The feelings of abandonment left.

7. Safety is the complete relinquishment of attack. This was a difficult lesson for me as being raised in domestic violence and having a marriage of domestic violence. I never felt safe. I always was defending myself trying to stay safe. After years of growing into reality, I realized that my being emotionally defensive felt like an attack on my husband on a subconscious level and he retaliated in a physical attack on me. It was a passive aggressive interaction. My unconscious defensiveness felt like an attack to him; it was not visible. He retaliated in a visible response. I had to move into feeling safe and pray for him. "Father forgive him for he knows not what he does" We were both two little neglected and abused kids trying to make it in an adult world without any clue how to do it. Sending love stopped the game.

8. To heal is to be happy. Learning I could make me happy, I began to grow up and not act or react from my old insecurity, abuse, or fear. Free from my past trauma, being in the present, and being aware of what presently was transpiring made me available to feel happy. I had to release all my history to feel cheerful. The stress had stopped my feeling happy. The more I relaxed, the easier it became to experience those joyful feelings that I always wanted.

9. Love waits on welcome, not on time. Learning to pray and be thankful for the good events, feelings, and my needs being met, allowed me to feel the love and goodness that is my inheritance. I did not know in the past, that I could invite God into my life and He was waiting for me to request his love to open in my heart. Knowing to be honest, open-minded, and willing to open my heart to feel the love was a new idea. He never left me; I just had not invited him in with gratitude and being thankful for all my blessings.

10. All forgiveness is a gift to yourself. I did not know the word forgiveness. That I could forgive others was a new idea to me. The past can leave and not be a trigger for unhappy feelings, guilt, shame, or fear. I did not have to walk in that stupor anymore. I could allow it to leave for the light of God to replace the darkness. Then I still had to forgive myself. That I wrote such a difficult script for my spiritual growth was a difficult pill to swallow and accept. I have to accept each of the situations as my experience into maturity. <em>I pray I am sorry, I forgive you, I thank you, and I love you</em>, for those in my life and for myself.                                                                                

I asked those people to play the part necessary for me to mature past the childlike past. They agreed to do it. They played their parts for me to find forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion for them that were helping me to grow up. When a person gives up their life for another that is love. Those people loved me; I thought they had harmed me. Just as Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. The steps to move into a new life are explained in detail in my book, "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon.              <a href=""></a>



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Quantum Physics & Books by Marilyn L. Redmond

 Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond


Quantum Physics &
 Books by Marilyn L. Redmond, BA. ABH, IBRT

Marilyn L. Redmond is an international award winning writer and award winning poet. Her writing includes information and tools that support growth and development for healthy, happy lives in prosperity. She offers her experience and wisdom from many years of searching. In addition to her printed books, she has many eBooks available, which are all on Amazon. Also, her writing has been published in magazines, newspapers, news releases, 6 anthologies and on the internet. .                                     

What People Are Saying About Marilyn and Her Work!

 Brilliant, profound, and to the point. This little book is a classic and will be read long after she is gone. I love how she writes. Now that a couple of years have passed since we broke through is even more significant. Don't underestimate this book. It haunts you over time, as the truth of the message becomes more and more revealed. Linda Schiller-Hanna, founder, Natural Psychic School of Metaphysics; Founder, Angel Love Healing Center; Speaker, Edgar Cayce’s ARE Intuition Trainer

 This little book is priceless. I found it to be one of the most valuable works I have every read. I felt Marilyn Redmond speaking from her heart to mine about things she must have experienced because her book has "the ring of truth" which makes reading it like listening to a wise friend tell you things you've been searching for all your life.

I recommend that everyone who wants to live a more loving and honest life read this book, not just once, but really study it and as far as possible, commit it to memory and use it to begin living at a higher level. Lachlan Mitchell, Coexisting Disorder Coordinator, Bathurst Community Corrections Service, Australia

I found this book very enlightening and helpful in many ways. There is an explanation for questions about the shift from third dimension through fourth and into the fifth. Choosing to replace fear with LOVE, the highest vibration. And protecting our beautiful planet. Honoring nature. I highly recommend this book for clarity and much needed guidance to save our planet, thus ourselves. Jeannie Anderson, Reiki Master

 It was truly inspirational and put a smile on my face. What a superbly wonderful book, beautifully written, composed and the message is pure and uplifting. Thank you for allowing me to work on this. Louise Atherton, editor of her book

 In the video interview, Marilyn shares about understanding the energy in your life as defined by Tesla. With a higher frequency, you can attract your inheritance and birthright from the universe. Marilyn then describes each of her books. Roses Have Thorns describes her early path through poetry. It is available by contacting her at

 Paradigm Busters, is the ultimate "how to" book for finding "the real you" and moving into a love based life. Finding Reality Beyond Fear follows Paradigm Busters. It offers slogans for maintaining a mature life and in addition, the information for you to move into Christ Consciousness.

 The Real Meaning of 2012 is information from Saint Germaine explaining the different dimensions of energy. Her latest book is A Spark of Truth, which reveals the beginning of the fear and oppression in our lives and how that affects our lives today.

 Her message is we are returning to the love within which we are created. We are on the path to maturity and becoming our true selves. Each book has simple terms for describing information and tools for growth that work. We can leave the past problems and difficulties behind for living in the moment which is called "The Gift".

Marilyn has 11 books on Amazon, 195 videos on YouTubes, and writes two monthly columns, brings spiritual growth through her books that are sent internationally to prisons. She is included in "Who's Who in America and Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executive. In addition, Marilyn has produced and hosted two radio shows.

 Check out her website, /  

 Books: at

Barnes and Nobel 

195 videos on You Tube at

Blog at


Monday, April 29, 2024

Finding Faith & Answer to Domestic Violence


Finding Faith &

Answer to Domestic Violence


Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, IBRT, ABH


Marilyn shares her story of how God came into the ordeal of her husband trying to kill her and stopped his actions. She was silently told what to pray. He could not come any closer and she safely left the room. She immediately found a faith that totally works for her.

After numerous similar experiences, her faith is rock-solid. Her next book, "Divinely Protected" will tell these stories.  She also has been off the cliffs at the Grand Canyon and in Canada at Banff. There have been at least 13 times when she almost died.

Marilyn also explains how she found the answer to Domestic Violence in the middle of her husband trying to kill her in a fit of rage. Her husband was a psychopath and could not handle love. She did not have to leave with nothing to be safe. He left..Being told what to pray from spirit, she was protected as she left the room.

Love acts like an amour of protection. The answer to Domestic Violence is to send out love and not try to defend yourself.  She explains how pray works when needing to protect yourself.

Marilyn found a spiritual path in treatment for healing addiction, mental illness, and more. She learned to meditate which has become a daily practice. Marilyn shares how these experiences have become value-bringing wisdom to help others. They have taught her answers to a wide variety of life problems. Because she has come out the other side or many predicaments, illnesses, addictions, and life and death situations, she can help people benefit and heal. The answers are not the typical ones in our culture. She now knows the answers as she has been there.

Her books, "Paradigm Busters", "Finding Reality Beyond Fear",, "The Real Meaning of 2012", :Road to Success" and her eBooks all are about answers that work beyond the current answers usually sought.

I am a privileged person in that I have the luxury of knowing dozens of alternative health care providers. I have been helped in various sessions by most of them. The thing is, when my issue is Soul Core need of the most tender and precious handling (think brain surgery or eye surgery!), I know that I can trust Marilyn Redmond to provide spot on, gentle and effective transformative help in one session and bring me through the other side feeling great! Her insights, experience, and consciousness are brilliant. Recommended without hesitation to absolutely anyone. You will not regret trusting your tender heart, wounded inner child, or confusing path to Marilyn's expert guidance. 

.-Linda Schiller-Hanna Founder, Natural Psychic School of Metaphysics, rounder, Angel Love Healing Center, Speaker: Edgar Cayce's   A. R.E . Intuition Trainer.



Counseling/Therapeutic Hypnosis

Regression Therapy

Holistic Health and Healing

Complimentary Medicine


Domestic Violence

Addictions & and the Family

Spirituality/Past Lives/ Passed Over


Educational Excellence

Artist of Angels, Pets, and Family

  • Channeling/Readings-Psychic/Tarot

Web site: Angelica's Gifts at

 Books: at

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"A Spark of Truth"

190 videos on You Tube at

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