Marilyn's Latest Books...
A Spark of Truth
A Spark of Truth, link at Amazon, $18.95
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A Spark of Truth shares information not commonly known due to censorship on television, the news, the internet, publishing houses, newspapers, and more. This book contains information not usually heard or seen. It offers knowledge, information, and answers to health, religion, education, government, and other problems that have been hidden.
There is more to be revealed at deeper levels. The author started out to write a book to expose current issues that were not supportive of the lifestyle of a country described as a democracy -- the United States of America. To her surprise and curiosity in researching more of the history of these topics, she found past knowledge to expose that these problems were centuries old and not just current. She found we are in a global war of the dark against the light forces. The book is titled A "Spark" of Truth as to include all the details would take volumes, and much of the information is available on the internet for those searching for the truth. This book covers only some of the problems.
Marilyn's work comes from experience, research, and years of overcoming difficulties, illness, disease, and misery. Going beyond the misinformation or biased news broadcasts, she reports as an investigative journalist sharing her findings, personal understandings, facts, and hidden truths. Welcome to alternative and unconventional answers and information for our lives to have the truth. Also included are several of her published writings to offer fresh understandings not told in the news or media.
whistleblowers are breaking the old barriers. This brings new
perceptions and knowledge for concerns and wellbeing. Comments on
current subjects bring straightforward discernment on topics like
vaccinations, religion, education, government. These awarenesses
reach beyond governmental influence, media’s distorted reporting,
and erroneous information.
what inspires and pulls you forward is what enhances a loving world.
Therefore, topics as holistic health, alternative medicine,
empowerment, real education, spirituality, inspiration, and Quantum
Physics are included.
everyone has been deceived and manipulated from a paradigm of fear in
medical, political, and world events designed for evolving into world
domination called The New World Order. Trust yourself and your inner
knowing rather than experts, politicians, dogma, and even doctors. It
is time to know the truth that you have your own answers that give
positive results from inner consciousness.
an international writing contest years ago began my passion for
writing. Marilyn came to understand that the root cause of my life
dilemma came from the programming of our culture. This opened the
doors for understanding beyond the typical thoughts to a deeper
understanding for the origin and basis that brought our society to
its current problems. A Spark of Truth addresses the agenda below the
What People Are Saying:
The Dark Forces have had control of humankind since the beginning of time. Marilyn's book gives details of how it affected our everyday lives. Doug Grady
From the first page of Marilyn's book ,“A Spark of Truth", which should be called 'A Bonfire of Truth, I was deeply drawn in, page after page. Each page reveals amazing teaching after amazing teaching. For example, on page 16, why Roman Emperor Constantine created the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, and why they rewrote the Bible drastically, affecting the whole world. Or, on page 49, where Marilyn beautifully narrates how and why the banking system was created, which is now a global banking cartel that controls ENTIRE nations. These and so MANY MORE teachings await you as a reader. Be warned, there is a lot of very important information which will greatly shift your perspective on global events! I like to refer to this book as a teaching manual. It is filled with a multitude of truths and secrets that need to be shared and discussed. Anonymous
Finding Reality Beyond Fear
By Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT
Destined to be a BEST SELLER
Live changing if you're "up to it"!
Best "tell it like it REALLY is" answer to life
Purchase at and Barnes & Noble
Don't letthe unassuming and gentle cover of this book lull you into thinking it doesn't pack a wallop! It DOES. Rarely does any human traverse an arc of growth as profound as this author in one short life time! Marilyn Redmond started life in a "superficially perfect" but secretly treacherous home. Brilliant and pretty, and determined to be a perfect little girl, with straight A's, musical mastery, poise and grace...she covered the scars for years. Unfortunately, looking good and trying hard did not protect her from the subtle and subconscious issues that challenging biochemical heredity, family dysfunction, and low self esteem created.
What is remarkable about this book is how calmly and matter-of-factly she describes her journey from Finding Reality Beyond Fear. No barefoot runner from darkest Africa who wins an Olympics golden medal will have worked any harder than she has! Quietly, patiently, calmly, Redmond spells out golden nuggets of truth that seem "simplistic" on the surface. Yet, putting them into practice and getting the community and our consciousness and will to work it into our life plans may be challenging. Are you up for a blueprint that shows the way, and helping you avoid the multiple pitfalls that even the "best guides" (Our doctors/schools/courts/systems/communities/charities) generally offer...that don't really work, but are "how we've always done it." keeps us in the POWER seat and RICH and you in the one-down position of struggle and pain.
If you're ready to break through from the "trash" that is normally fed to us when we are recovering from something: whether a dysfunctional childhood, addiction or PTSD, this little book could be your most valuable and viable tool. It is nothing short of revolutionary. Ignore it at your peril!
~ Linda Schiller-Hanna
Road to Success
By Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT
Inspiration, hope and experience
In growing beyond problems
Find your success!
Purchase at and Barnes and Noble
Kindle and other readers $4.99
- "The chapter "Love Never Fail is superb!" ~Suzanne Ward, Tell Me About Heaven and other books in the series
- "Love Never Fails" chapter in Road to Success is probably one of the most inspiriting chapters I've read. Best wishes! ~Patrick Young, Community Manager, Athena Publishing on Memoirs
- "As in all her work, Marilyn gives the reader everything of value she has in her heart. She shares her pain and her joy, her mistakes and discoveries over a lifetime of searching. This book contains her words
and wisdom for everything the reader needs for success and happiness. Please try to attend one of Marilyn's workshops, or if you're lucky, become one of Marilyn's personal clients, even if you live in Australia as I do. You can contact her over Skype. Whatever her fee, with Marilyn as your spiritual coach, you will have "won the lottery of life" and saved yourself at least 10 years of struggle and emotional pain in your journey towards true spiritual growth. But start with this book. ~ Lachlan Mitchell, Senior Parole Officer (retired), Australia
Reveal the Real You
By Marilyn L Redmond

Are you ready to leave pain and suffering behind? Marilyn's book speaks to the higher purpose in life-the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves. During her last thirty years, she found the key.
What People are Saying About Marilyn and Her Work!
- "Marilyn Redmond's book is a must for anyone interested in the relationship between spiritual, psychological, and medical healing. A true and inspiring story of injury and the search for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Working with her extensive knowledge of the work of Edgar Cayce, Marilyn Redmond courageously delivers a paradigm-shifting guide."
~ Sidney Kirkpatrick/ author of Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet - "A new approach for a New Age. This book contains a lifetime of wisdom and insight into the mind-body-spirit connection of healing and wholeness. If you are trying to reach new levels of health or trying to find your purpose in life, this book is a must read."
~ Dr. Kathleen Drake, Chiropractor - "Marilyn Redmond has spent her life bringing light and love from the realm of angels and spirit to this world of ours. In this book she shares with us, some of her rich history as she helps us better understand the beauty of our own Divine selves."
~ Gladys Taylor McGarey M.D. MD [H] - "Happiness is an inside job, which can never be reached with drugs! Following this wise advice could save your life, and a great deal of suffering. HUGS, Norm."
~ C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. President, Holos Institutes of Health
This is the book you have been waiting for. It shows you how to change your life and move into the awareness you really want. Each chapter provides the steps for growth and more awareness for happiness. Stories like yours show that you are not alone on your journey. You will enjoy the exercises, tools, charts, poems and more helpful aids in advancing on your spiritual trip.
Discover the dynamics of life and how to apply them. Are you ready to outgrow the victimization, passive behavior, and intimidation of your past? Do you want to stop being the belligerent, rebellious, bully? Is it time to end worry or guilt ruining your life? Maybe you are ready to find your new life style releasing the past. It is time to enjoy your life right now! This book offers the way to transform your life from a fearful one into loving situations.
Are medical concerns the focus of your life? Are you tired of always being sick? Are you ready to move into healthiness regardless of your family background or hereditary genes? Do you let a diagnosis be a lifetime sentence? Is it time to take responsibility for your life? Changing to positive attitudes and exploring an inner housecleaning from old ideas, your life will change around you.
Move from your old self into the loving, confident person you really are. Applying this book to your daily life offers better health, attitudes, and opportunities. It is never too late to have a great life and you deserve the best. Restore your happiness, confidence, and prosperity. You always are growing; it might as well be to develop yourself. Only you can do the job. Now is the time to move onward; the best is yet to come.
The Real Meaning of 2012:
A New Paradigm Bringing Heaven to Earth
What People are Saying About Marilyn and Her Work!
This little book is priceless. I found it to be one of the most valuable works I have ever read. I felt Marilyn Redmond speaking from her heart to mine about things she must have experienced because her book has "the ring of truth" which makes reading it is like listening to a /wise friend tell you things you've been searching for all your life.I recommend that everyone who wants to live a more loving and honest life read this book, not just once, but really study it and as far as possible, commit it to memory and use it to begin living at a higher level.
Brilliant, profound, and to the point. This little book is a classic and will be read long after she is gone. I love how she writes.