Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Taking Action for a New Life

Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, ABH, IBRT

 Mysticism is a path of action. Growing up, taking action for me was not part of my life. In a dysfunctional family, I was not allowed to make choices for myself. Finally, living on my own and on a spiritual path changed that. The fear of being punished for the wrong decisions could upset someone's plan. I felt that I would be doomed if I got off the fence and took action in my life. My parents thought their wishes were not to be disrupted by anyone. For me to make a preference was a frightening idea. What if someone did not like my choice? I had always been a fence sitter, as what if I made the wrong decision and things did not go well.

My first action was to allow my feelings to thaw from being frozen for years. It was necessary for me to find a safe place and get honest with myself. Opening up with honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness to move out of my victimization, was a huge step. I needed to tell my story and began to learn about feelings. Fortunately, I found a psychiatrist who understood my plight and I felt safe to finally share what was bottled up inside for many years. I was heard for the first time and was given some assistance to understand the mental illness in my family. He patiently listened and made a few validating comments if I were on tract.

My next action took courage to talk about my resentments, fears, and abuse that kept me a victim and wounded. I was breaking the family rules. I was not allowed to talk or have feelings in the family; there was no real communication. I became a walking robot without feelings.

The decision to attend 12 step meetings was life changing. I found a mentor to continue the role of the psychiatrist. Another action included stopping my prescriptions so I could be rational in making healthy decisions. Gradually, I was able to make decisions that would alter my life completely.

Getting a divorce, living on my own, being responsible for a house, and finances were measures I needed to assume. Over time, I was able to move into an ordinary life style by my sane decisions to take appropriate steps at the right time and for the right reasons.

I found the more I took action the better my life felt. My energy felt like the old troubles were flowing out. The ability to release the past abuse felt like my life was lightening with less baggage weighing me down. Over the years, I still am releasing past harms, people, and situations that kept me a prisoner in my own head.

Learning to replace my negative perspective for a positive one became my goal for coming out of my own mental dungeon. I continually have more feelings surface. It is like peeling the onion; more seems to surface and fill the empty spaces when I release old feelings. Attending Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families meetings gives me an opportunity for a gratifying path out of my mental jail.

Action was necessary for adopting new behaviors to free me from past circumstances. I saw it as doing the right next thing. However, finding self-esteem enough to take on my personal power did not happen overnight. I had to reframe my resistance and judgment to bring courage for my necessary new conduct promoting a better and healthier life style. Learning about faith to replace my fear worked for me.

My next step became forgiveness. If I want peace then I need to forgive those in my past, totally. After that my new focus became the "Now" which is reality. When I release the past to live in the moment, it becomes a gift called The Present. Nowadays, my mind retrieves few harmful memories or resentments.

New ideas and actions are necessary and productive for growth to become a mature person. Day by day, I have grown beyond the scared child that I was, too frightened to speak up or be accountable. I learned to respond in loving resolutions to heal circumstances, people, and harms done that caused me to be angry from being neglected and not nurtured.

My newest action is to have compassion for those that caused my woundedness. I realized I do not have to relive their painful lives. Recognizing that they were ill-treated people passing on their hurts and harms to me, I pray for those people. With thirty-six years into the spiritual path, I found the results to be worth every action I have taken. Through my moving into a more awakened emotional place, I can be as happy as I choose to be. 

My job is to find happiness in my life with an open heart to enjoy it. Applying these ideas that are in my book, "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon, I found a Heavenly Father who has always been there for me and is my true parent.     

Additional tools and help are in the anthology, "Believe and Succeed".


In addition, more support are in my books:

Amazon   https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424

Friday, December 10, 2021



Met up with the dearest, little angel over the weekend, but she was really sad.


She asked, in the sweetest of angel voices, how there can be so much love in the world, yet so few feel it. How there can be so much beauty, yet hardly anyone sees it. And how there can be so many miracles, yet most are ignored.


So, I reminded her of something far more important. I reminded her that whether or not one knows of the love, they are still bathed in it. Whether or not they see the beauty, they still add to it. And whether or not they recognize the miracles, they still perform them, every single day.


Then we both just beamed.



  The Universe


And whether or not these things are now known, they will be.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Law of Attraction Changed My Life

                                                  By Marilyn L. Redmond

The entire purpose of Universal Law is unification. It is our journey for an expression of One, of All, in an experience of love, of joy, and of peace. At the time you are in adherence, you are in alignment with the Universal Law of which the Law of Attraction is a subset. The Law of Attraction it is a guide, a road map, and a way in which to know the unknowable. The Divine Plan is very dynamic as if it is etched throughout the universe. A missing piece of the mystery about how the universe works is finally being told.

The Universal Law also known as The Law of Love is a way to understand and know the Divine Plan. The hidden agenda has been to keep people disempowered. Dark forces have spent centuries misinforming, suppressing truth, and lying to the world. They have an agenda to stop you from finding the Light and your returning path to ascension called oneness. They have failed. The planet will return to balance.

Traveling in my car towards the next town, I briefly saw a speed limit sign. My mind shifted into an unusual focus, sensing that there were other laws beside traffic signs that surpass the highway signs, but were invisible. This was before The Law of Attraction was introduced to the public.

I have had an insatiable curiosity, throughout my life. I found out that the book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich” left out important facts.. People were left with only part of the information needed. The publisher would not print the book with certain truths. This kind of censorship is very prevalent in current times. Publishing houses have authors rewrite their work only to provide the idea of attracting material items or objects, without all the real answers for manifesting.

Censorship was happening as far back as the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, in the revision of the Bible. Suppression comes from behind the scenes of those in control of our information and leadership. There are dark forces who do not want certain information known. Then, people could be in charge of their lives, rather than needing experts, government, or organizations to provide answers with control. This incomplete concept about The Law of Attraction has brought many anguish and despair attempting to manifest money or other items into their lives.

This group decided they were smarter than the people were and could control the planet from their manipulating the truth to the people. Their plan has existed for centuries, resulting in false information, misinformation, or lack of information with a mindset of fear. Knowing the love of a beneficent power, which created the cosmos, and all that is within it was lost. Servitude, survival, and helplessness were promoted.

This has been a gradual merging of a fear driven program through centuries, while patiently infiltrating all aspects of society. The culture was misinformed and lied to in every part of life as religion, medicine, education, politics, news, entertainment, and non-profit organizations. Those who wanted to dominate had to prevent any information that would encourage self-empowerment.  

Love will be the recapturing, the re-embracing, or the re-claiming of your Divinity and multi-inter-dimensional being remembering that you have the connection to the universal love that created us. The Universal Laws supersede the laws of countries and common science. When the universe and man align, the results are beneficial. Presently, this is being addressed through Quantum Physics

 "Everything in life is a vibration", said Albert Einstein. Ester Hicks who channels Abraham brought the pieces together for me. "As you identify the thing that you want and you achieve vibrational harmony with it, by the Law of Attraction, you summon the Energy through you, and that is what life is."

Tesla said, "If you want to understand the universe, it is about energy, vibration, and frequency". When I raise my consciousness, which is energy, into a higher vibration, and become the same frequency, I become the same energy of what I desire, and manifests. This is the meaning of The Law of Attraction.

The practical information to move into a higher consciousness I found in my using the list for the fruits of the spirit from Galatians in the Bible.  Then I could apply those attitudes, thinking, and behaviors. Projecting my higher vibrations from my new consciousness then attracts like manifestations to come back to me. "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."  2 Corinthians 5:17

With a rational mind, I was able to identify the negative qualities I needed to let go. Replacing the space with love and grace changed my inner feelings. Gradually, I noticed my life was changing. What goes around comes around.  I moved from an appalling marriage by changing me. Applying this course of action brought me a twenty-two year relationship of unconditional love.

My books and counseling explains how to release the barriers that stop intentions from manifesting. Transforming our lives from fear into love is the answer. It is a process described in my book, "Paradigm Busters", at Amazon. It is as simple as "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.1 John 4:18

The Law of Attraction is all about my aligning with the love of God, through compassion and synchronicity. The Law of Attraction is not about material wealth and possessions, but in attracting joy, love, and caring. The right use of will power is to unite with my higher power's grace and love, knowing that God's grace is sufficient. Intuition is the presence of my higher self. It gives me beautiful visions of humanity joined in harmony, living in peace, self-sustaining communities, and upholding the sanctity of all life, in all ways.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021






As I was driving down a main road towards the next town, I glimpsed the speed limit sign. My mind shifted into an unusual focus, sensing that there were other laws beside traffic signs that surpass the highway signs, but were invisible. This was before The Law of Attraction was familiar to the public. Throughout my life, I have had an insatiable curiosity. Not too long later, I heard about a book, "Your Life, Why It Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It" Understanding the Universal Laws by Bruce Mc Arthur. This book created an understanding to me about the universe and how it works.

 A few years later, the film, "The Secret", became very popular. I became concerned that a wrong message was being promoted. In meditation, I was told this presentation was to introduce the public to the idea of universal laws. Later I heard one of the participants in the first edition refused to appear in the new version, because they would not agree to leave out the truthful information.

 The book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich” also left out important information. The publisher would not print the book with certain truthful facts. This kind of censorship is very prevalent in current times. Publishing houses have authors rewrite their work only to provide the idea of attracting materiality, without all the real answers for manifesting. Censorship was happening as far back as the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, in the revision of the Bible. The changes were from the leader’s need to control the people, through the church. Suppression comes from behind the scenes of those in control of our information and leadership.

 There are dark forces who do not want this information known. Then, people could be in charge of their lives, rather than needing experts, government, or organizations to provide answers with control. This incomplete concept about The Law of Attraction has brought many anguish and despair attempting to manifest money or other items into their lives. The missing piece of the mystery is finally being told.

 The Law of Attraction is a subset of The Universal Law. It is a way for people to come to know, to understand, to create, and to be closer in alignment, and in union with All That Is. It is a guide, a road map, and a way in which to know the unknowable. The Divine Plan is very dynamic. It is not something that is set in stone, although in many ways it is etched throughout the universe. For an expression of One, of All, of Mother/Father/All, is to have an experience of love. That is our journey.

 What you have come to think of as individual laws are actually all the same, The Law of Love. It is primarily about balance. However, it was considered a desirable aspect to grant and to have the element of free will, of choice for alignment, so that the experience could be, in each unique expression, self-directed. It is also throughout timelines, as it is simultaneous and in all realms.


When you are in that place of love, when you are in that collective of understanding, and when you have reached the place within your being of simply acknowledging and being love, then that is it. At the time you are in adherence, you are in alignment with the Universal Law. The entire purpose of Universal Law is unification.


Replacing the phrase Universal Law with The Law of Love brings the purpose and intention into focus. What you are doing is igniting that spark of yearning, of that desire for merging liberation and freedom. This mends the fragmentations of your manifestations, and you are then in alignment to the law. This produces harmony with everybody’s creation and manifestation.


It is like the choirs who have tenors, bass, altos, and sopranos. It is like an angelic chorus. It is a symphony, but it is a symphony of the universe. It burns brighter and brighter, causing eradication of what you think of as darkness or separation. Therefore, it activates and burns brightly to bring humanity to the place of seeking liberty in a variety of ways.


The hidden agenda has been to keep people disempowered. Dark forces have spent centuries misinforming, suppressing truth, and lying to the world. Religion usurped the focus of the people from spiritual mediums directly connected to Source. As related in the old testament of the Bible, the priests and rabbis of the day went into the Holy of Holies to receive the word of God for the people. 

 There were times when people found they had to wait for the spirit to speak. Religion promoted that their priests were available day and night. The citizens were advised to turn to them for answers in all things, being more available and were the correct source for their answers. These deceiving religious ones have found many ways to mislead the population into believing information that was not aligned with God's truth. 

 Gradually, dishonesty was extended into other parts of our culture, as banking, medicine, the media, books, newspapers, education, food, science, history, sports, major organizations, and more. We have been brainwashed into a fear-based society that looks outside to others for a savior and being saved by the government.

Sadly, the spiritual path of our lives is often ignored, denied, or disregarded. The Law of Love is a guide in which to know the unknowable and our way back to Source. The Divine Plan was for all beings to have this experience of Love, of joy, and of peace. In addition, they were given the gift and ability to have free will and choice.

 This was not simply unique to Earth, but the Divine Plan part for Earth to be a place for the physical experience of Love, and all of the relevant related experiences. The beginning point was to have corporeal form. However, it was not intended and it was not part of the Divine Plan, that you would be stuck in that form. This became an expression where your free will to being human, went awry.

 Therefore, it is the very beginning—the alignment of will is such that there is a way for Oneness, All in All, and the Source to be able to work your way back into the experience of your birthright of Love. There is no judgment with right or wrong. The Divine Plan has always been that regardless of how far you wandered, you could still recover and learn from the experience. The Divine Plan consists of all the ascended realms, including your star brothers, sisters, and many of the angelic and the archangelic realm.

The Dark Ones had an agenda to stop you finding the Light and your returning path to Ascension. They have failed. Love will be the recapturing, the re-embracing, or the re-claiming of your Divinity and multi-inter-dimensional being remembering that you would have the reconnection to the Love.  That is the energy, the substance, and the essence of All, that you would have in your reconnection to the Love That You Are.

There will be an awakening in stages. In the awareness, you would see and come to understand the connection to your fellow human beings, revealing that truly there is no such thing as separation, only unity.

Within the Divine Plan, the expression of Universal Law is a way to understand and know the Divine Plan is actually very simple. Joy is the gratitude for sacred purpose and hope is the bedrock from which All originate. Universal Law includes the Law of Attraction as a way to understand and know the Divine Plan. The planet will return to balance.

Where did the planet first learn about the universal laws?

 Long before the fall of Atlantis, when the earth was still in fifth dimension, the continent Lemuria filled much of the Pacific Ocean. During this era, there was only Unity Consciousness. A few groups have continued to extend spiritual history down in time. These groups include the White Brotherhood and a similar group called Theosophists. They are Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. Theosophists also speak of Earth’s early non-physical inhabitants, and of the first groups traveling here from the stars. In addition, the Theosophists talk about the root races that have lived on the planet.

 Historically, the planet is billions of years old and has had several civilizations before our current one. When the planet became habitable, the first to come were called Lemurians. They came in spirit form from an advanced civilization, the Pleiades, who wanted to assist in the spiritual growth of the planet.

 The planet was created in the fifth dimension. During the third root race, the Lemurians transformed from spirit into physical form, before the fall of Atlantis. Over time, they developed into bodies and built monasteries. The teachings inside these monasteries were the Universal Laws. At this time there was ONLY Unity Consciousness. They brought spirituality to Gaia, also known as Earth.

 Originally, the planet was a beautiful place for relaxation and enjoyment. They wanted to bring this experience to the inhabitants. This was accomplished through the teaching of the spiritual laws of the universe. Monasteries were built and students learned from the elders the ways of energy to support higher consciousness. It was a difficult discipline to bring a higher consciousness to the planet for beings to hold in the third dimension. The spiritual beings from the Pleiades were sharing their knowledge to expand the universe into the love with which it was created.

At this time in Atlantis, experiments had been instrumental in creating polarized individuality. Ultimately, this transformed the androgynous into male and female. Unfortunately, those who moved into 3D first, practiced Dark Magic, and learned about cruelty. They had an advantage of knowing the rules of survival in a lower reality. This polarization expanded as the Light Beings did "good" things, and the Dark Beings did "bad things. The light beings become known as The Law of One, and the dark forces were termed the Sons of Baal.

 Over time, the Lemurians became frustrated in their efforts for the third dimensional being's ability to endure with a lower energy of consciousness. Eventually, believing that their experiments had failed, they passed their research on to the Atlantians. However, the Lemurian scientists discovered that bones could hold their history. It appears that bones seem to be more durable than any other third dimensional, biological form.

 Unfortunately, those who had arrived into the 3D first had practiced Dark Magic and began perpetrating malice. Additionally, technology was misused. For these reasons, they became the leaders. Their practices became the model for domination and corruption. They had been there much longer and knew the rules of survival in a 3D reality. With these ruthless Dark Ones in power, there was heartlessness and subjugation that the human species was in danger of extinction.

Fortunately, a call for assistance went out for the Light Beings to come and bring help. They could only survive by constantly pulling in power from the higher vibrational light force know as Grace, Prana, and/or Love. The Dark Ones pulled power from the essence of the other 3D humans. Through tormenting the common people, the Dark Ones stole their essence for themselves. This experience is known as "Fear". Love and Fear became polarities. 

 This battle between the Light and Dark has waged for thousands of years. During the centuries, the Universal Laws that were taught in the Lemurian monasteries were suppressed from the common people, so they could not regain their personal power as children of the light. However, their struggle to keep the light during many centuries is coming into victory.e leaders.

One of these laws is the Law of Attraction. The Universal Laws supersede the laws of countries and common science. The universe and man can cooperate with alignment, and then the results are beneficial. Presently, this is being addressed through Quantum Physics.

With the demise of Lemuria, some survivors of The Law of One, fled to Atlantis. Others not of this group decided they were smarter than the people were and could control the planet from their manipulating the truth to the people. Their agenda has existed for centuries, resulting in false information, misinformation, or lack of information with a mindset of fear. Knowing the love of a beneficent power, which created the cosmos, and all that is within it was lost. Servitude, survival, and helplessness were promoted. This has been a gradual merging of a fear driven agenda through centuries, while patiently infiltrating all aspects of society.

If a person knew they could bring abundance and love into their lives, those wanting to dominate would not be able to influence them. Deviously promoting despair and lack of hope would prolong the people who are looking for help outside of themselves. If the people knew, they had the same power as the universal Creator to manifest a life of joy, caring, and extending help to others, they would attain a more fulfilling life. Those who wanted to dominate had to prevent any information that would encourage self-empowerment.  

 "Everything in life is a vibration", said Albert Einstein. Edgar Cayce, the great psychic of the twentieth century, explained it further, "For without passing through each and every stage of development, there is not the correct vibration to become one with the Creator". Ester Hicks channels Abraham. This brought the pieces together for me. "As you identify the thing that you want and you achieve vibrational harmony with it, by the Law of Attraction, you summon the Energy through you, and that is what life is."

Tesla said, "If you want to understand the universe, it is about energy, vibration, and frequency". This brought the final answers to me. When I raise my consciousness that is energy, into a higher vibration and become the same frequency, I become the same energy of what I desire, and manifests. The two charts with this chapter show how the vibrations need to rise into higher frequencies for a more contented life with love, health, and well-being.

I used this understanding to move out of my thirty-year domestic violent marriage of abuse and battering, mental illness, addictions, and more. Making a list of what I wanted in a relationship put my energy into vibrations for attracting the right partner. In addition, my inner voice told me I had to become those attributes for me to attract those qualities in another person.

 When I was off all medications with a rational mind, I was able to identify the qualities I needed to let go from my past negative emotions and harms. They were replaced and I applied new responses of loving resolutions into my interactions. Through meditation, I weekly, released the negative and replace it intentionally by applying one of the gifts of the spirit listed in the Bible. The new understanding needs to be done while in a meditative— altered state of mind. Gradually, I noticed my life was changing.

While listening to a man share about his life situation at a spiritual study group I attended, I heard his description of how he handled a difficult life situation. Internally, I said to myself that is the kind of person I want in my relationship. Several years later, his wife died of Cancer and we started playing golf together. I asked him to dinner and since then he has never left my side. Our relationship has been one of unconditional love for 22 years now. I moved from a bad marriage, by my changing me and attracting a caring and honest man who respects me. I became a magnet "to attract" what I wanted.   

 In my work, it is always about how to raise energy to match what you are wanting. My books and other work describe the details of how to release the barriers that stop your desires from manifesting. It is as simple as a verse in the New International Bible that There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. Transforming our lives from fear into love is the answer. 

Can you send light to a Human Being who needs it without them necessarily participating in your life, or even knowing about this energy, or having any idea about God? Can you temper someone's sorrow? Do you have the ability to hold their hand with light? I learned others are my teachers for me to learn this. The system brought the people and situations here for me to transform my actions from reacting into responding in love to all situations. The Law of Attraction is all about my joining in the love of God, through compassion and synchronicity.  

The Law of Attraction is not about material wealth and possessions, but in attracting joy, love, and caring. In addition, I transformed into a being of forgiveness, kindness, and returning to my origin as a spiritual child of the universe. When my lessons are completed, I will move into another adventure for spirit, bringing more love and compassion to another part of the universe.                                

The right use of will power is to align with my higher power's grace and love, knowing that God's grace is sufficient. Intuition is the presence of my higher self. It gives me beautiful visions of humanity joined in harmony, living in Peace, self-sustaining communities, and upholding the sanctity of all life, in all ways.


Friday, October 29, 2021


About the Golden Rule

 My journey into accepting that I am a spiritual being having a human experience has slowly taken time to accept. Releasing my past events and difficulties has been my major focus. When the past is no longer influencing my current life, I move into realty and maturity. There are several axioms in our spiritual experience that are always working and can support a new adventure in the "Now".   

 The Golden Rule is a universal principle about which most people know, Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Jesus taught in his famous Sermon on the Mount, "All things... that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them". This idea is older than you might think.

 Surprisingly, I found references to this accepted wisdom that goes back to earliest times. “Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do.” His was found in The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant pages 109-110 in ancient Egypt around 2000 BCE. In the Hebrew Bible around 700 BCE is the quote, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself: I am the LORD.” Zoroastrianism has a similar excerpt in the Dadistan-i-Dinik 94:5, circa 600 BCE, “That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self”. 

 Two passages that are more ancient come from Buddhism around 500 BCE, “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” This is written in the Udana-Varga 5:18. Lastly, the well-known Confucius said, “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others” in the book, Analects of Confucius 15:24, circa 500 BCE

 Greg Braden is best-selling author, scientist, international educator, and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy, and human potential, merges science with spirituality. His quote, “Ancient spiritual traditions remind us that in each moment of the day, we make the choices that either affirm or deny our lives. Every second we choose to nourish ourselves in a way that supports or depletes our lives; to breathe deep and life-affirming breaths or shallow, life-denying ones; and to think and speak about other people in a manner that is honoring or dishonoring," is from his book,  "The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief".

 When we come to realize that we live in potentiality, a field of energy, a vibration that is all possibility understanding the universe is not difficult. If you feel you have no power, is will be a loop to return to you, as you have no power. Open your mind and your heart to uncover your real identify and truth. 

 Changing thinking from "I am a… ( label)"  to  I am All that is, has been and ever can be, having a brief experience explodes your band of frequency  and vibration into its new breadth and scale. At this point, you start acting in the field of possibility and probability. At that level, it brings new and novel synchronicities.

 Now you are in a completely different way interacting with the field. You expand the narrow band of occurrences from prior restrictions. Then the phenomenon of energy can interact with the field. This brings a higher level of frequency. You do what you know to be right without regard to consequences. This expands your consciousness; you draw to you what you know to be right to happen.

 Greg Braden and others have explored Quantum physics to explain the universe as consciousness being energy. Energy from similar positive words creates frequencies that positively project into becoming reality. Through the ages the similar words for this adage brings good results from similar frequencies.   

 We are able to create our own reality all the time. Our perceptions become our experience. This is a revolution of observation. Education is a programming machine keeping our perceptual state in a low vibration of limited awareness and incomplete self-identity state because when your perception is controlled, it controls our experience. You can choose and change your view and awareness by your thoughts for more awakening.  My books and articles bring that new awareness.  

 It is possible to do unto others, as you would want them to do unto you, by raising your thoughts of "doing good" to higher frequencies of kindness and ultimately you benefit. Changing the cause changes the effect. The Golden Rule is an example of how the energy you project returns. The energy will come back to you as you send it out. You may have heard that what goes around comes around.

Greg Braden says, He states, “Both science and mysticism describe a force that connects everything together and gives us the power to influence how matter behaves—and reality itself—simply through the way we perceive the world around us”.

 I became an ordained minister for spiritual counseling and healing at the soul level. In addition, my credentials include being on the International Board for Regression Therapy, IBRT, and on the American Board of Hypnotherapy, ABH. I am a retired teacher, BA, with seven years of college teaching kindergarten through college.

 My 10 books on Amazon, 178 You Tubes, monthly columns at The Sussex Newspaper, published articles listed on my web site have answers and help for spiritual growth. My books are being distributed internationally to prisons and used as a booked study in a prison in the United States. I am included in the prodigious book, "Who's Who in America.

 Website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424 178 videos on You Tube at   https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


When I first read, there is a design for living that works in rough going I was taken back. I know how to die. Raised in a dysfunctional family of alcoholism, abuse, and mental illness I found I inherited their genetic and behavioral predisposition, including a liver that did not digest alcohol or mind and mood altering medications like a normal person. With a new understanding of why my life seemed like a nightmare brought the realization that I had a death wish; each drink or prescription pill was another nail in my coffin. Surprisingly, I knew at a deep level, I wanted to live. 

I suffered and endured my adversity of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual maltreatment until I could leave for college. Unsuspectingly, I found a fellow at my first college dance, who also was in my music classes. For the first time I found someone, I could talk with and seemed to be a mutual companion. We married and raised a family. Over the years, life became more of a problem and I found myself playing out my parents' marriage of domestic violence.

When my husband tried to kill me the last time, I had called out to my God, ""Please help me, I really do not want to die." Within days, I ended up in treatment hearing information about the disease of alcoholism. Growing up in the forties, alcoholism was not common knowledge like it is today. 

In rehab, I heard that I had a disease and I was not a bad person, but a sick person needing to get well. Through recovery, I found my husband and I had the same history of an abusive background, mental illness, and alcoholism. In treatment, I found my answers. I needed to persist into a sane and healthy life style. What did a toxic substance have to do with being beaten, strangled, or raped? How could I be insane, I had 7 years of college and taught school for many years with excellent reviews? Church never told to me to turn my life over to the care of a God, of my understanding.

I never had any understanding about why my life was the way it was. I was committed to get well. It made sense when I heard the universal law that "Like attracts like". I am alive today through applying the 12 step spiritual programs for healing my past. With newfound solutions and support, I could get a divorce and walk away from the insanity.

Then I needed a trusted person to share my fears, resentments, and difficulties. Expressing my harms and abuse was not easy for me. This was the first time anyone even listened to me, or I had any permission to speak up or have feelings about my past troubles. I did not have to block my emotions of the past. However, after finally telling my story, I started waking up into why my life was so complicated. 

Over time, I realized that I had the very faults I blamed in my husband and that I had attracted the relationship to me as if I were a magnet. He was my mirror to what I had to change in me. In stopping the old cycle, I chose to live and not carry on in my old ways that perpetuated the problems. I wanted to release my side of the street. What goes around comes around. I could send out love and compassion to him for his horrendous childhood, instead of trying to defend myself. Now, I could send love and pray for him, which stopped the conflict.

I found out that defending myself feels like an assault to someone else. Learning that safety is the complete relinquishment of attack, I found my new inner message was telling me that my Heavenly Father loved me unconditionally. This mended my abandonment issues.

Subsequently, I attended a weekend workshop for answers to help me find new answers about my predicament. I heard the facilitators read the information and I heard it from their understanding instead of my reading it through my fearful ego/brain. All of a sudden, the light came on and I understood my dilemma and the solution.

Others at the seminar decided to offer classes to share this solution with others. I was asked to participate once a month as a leader. From helping others for 27 years, I found the answers to my own quandaries. Discovering that my fears attract to me the very dread I held, was huge to me. I was full of fear and needed to release them. The answer was to replace each fear into faith. I cannot have fear and faith at the same time.

In helping others resolve their resentments, I found that anger/resentments are from the past because life or people did not go my way. The answer was to release the past, as it is history. Forgiveness "gives up" the past "for" a new day. Living in the "Now" releases my anger.

When letting go of the past guilt and shame, it is possible to replace that with being a child of God, created in His likeness of love. After identifying each fear, resentment, guilt, and shame and replacing them with love and grace, brought a new perception. "Perfect love casts out fear." 1 John 4 "God's grace is sufficient" 2 Corinthians  12:9 Now, I can refill the space from what I do not want for what I do want.

I found life is an adventure to move forward and out of past harms of abuse or future worries, trauma, and neediness. I can now live in the moment which is a gift and why it is called The Present. Love never fails. Today, I am happy, joyous, and free of my ego. I have a life today beyond my imagination feeling good. I finally had a design for living. Becoming a whole person in joy, gratitude and the presence of love brings heaven to earth.

 Check out my website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424 176 videos on You Tube at  https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./

Monday, July 19, 2021



There is always more to learn on the path of spirituality and personal growth. I will never graduate as the levels of vibration and frequencies of awareness continue upward. I needed to obtain a divorce to be safe. Nevertheless, I realized I needed to acknowledge my part; I wanted to move into a better place beyond the past harms. For that reason, I discovered that forgiveness and making amends frees me to do this. This allows me to move into a higher perception.

 This was not easy for me at first; I have to forgive all those harms from the past. Realizing, inner peace is only complete by forgiveness for others and myself brought a new understanding. My ego wanted to prove I had the right to be distressed. It told me that my husband could not be forgiven when I was harmed by his actions and abuse. Conversely, I read that it is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us.

 This means I have to look at myself and get honest about my motivations and actions. It is necessary to look at my side of the street in all my dealings. I have to see where my own behavior has affected someone else. The picture is not pretty when I get honest. I even won an international writing contest with my article, "All Time Victim". It is available on my web site or on Amazon.  Recognizing that I was in survival and self-seeking as a victim was an abrupt awakening. It was not easy to accept. Yes, I was the injured party but I played the part very well.

  I used people for my security, protection, to love me, and take care of me. It became time to grow up. I was dishonest with myself, thinking other people were there to make me okay, provide my needs, and love me. I was so afraid in my wounded place that all I could see was poor me, poor me. I recognized that I was keeping myself that victim by not acting in my own best interest.

 Becoming assertive instead of passive was the key to changing my thinking from being the prey. It was a huge step out of my being the injured party. Taking the steps to become courageous to speak up for my needs had never been in the cards for me. When I was a child, I was to be seen and not heard. In fact, my stepfather told me, “We do not want to hear what you have to say.”

 My journey sorting out the truth from the false is continuing. This is a long process with lots of challenges and lessons in its path to not mentally and emotionally continue recreating my learned mindset and reactions from childhood. In my book, "Paradigm Busters", at Amazon, I explain all the steps to release the past for a new life. The work is worth the effort. As I was in the early stages of this change, I found grace in my meditation while camping at a national park. It felt good. I wanted more of that.

 I was living in a fantasy that everyone and everything should go my way. I learned to forgive myself as I did survive the abuse, trauma, and difficulties. Now it is time to move into maturity. I vowed never to volunteer to be a victim again. Neale Donald Walsch said, "Move forward with no second-guessing, no guilt trips, no hesitation. Your purpose is to recreate yourself anew in each moment." I needed to give up the past by releasing it for the good feelings.

 Realizing that I was being influenced from my past harms that continued in the old ways of reacting, was a challenge. The choice to live in current situations and not run from them was a huge step into growing up. The help I needed was to turn to the Father of Light in all things.

It would take courage to respond to daily life experiences with new and healthy tools. One way to help me was by saying, "God I need more faith for this one, here we go again". Then I found an affirmation that I daily declare to help. It is "God there is nothing that you and I together, cannot do, today." Asking for help made a lot of difference. It brought the audacity I lacked. Nowadays, I move forward in life, learning to do the next right thing in front of me. It keeps my focus on the "Now" which is reality. Doing the right thing is never wrong.

 Recognizing that living in the moment is a gift and that is why it is called The Present brought a new vision for moving forward in my life out of being a victim from my past. This clears the slate to be autonomous. “The New Me” is one of my early poems in my first book, "Roses Have Thorns".


               Vision—A “New” Me

 Total acceptance of myself means the opportunity

for reality. Unconditional love grants

my own gentleness, caring. Courtesy lifts

my dignity, sees value. Tolerance

understands favorably my mistakes,

errors. Self-esteem believes in confidence,

guides my life. Sharing my experiences, feelings

creates life’s happiness. Many interests

bring a fulfilling life, helping others

through their strife. Spirituality generates

peace of mind, worth, knows

the purpose for my birth.

 My books are being distributed internationally to prisons and used as a booked study in San Quentin. I was just included in the current, prodigious book, "Who's Who in America. This concept is explained further in her books, You Tubes, readings, and counseling. Marilyn Redmond is an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, readings, regression, IBRT, and healing, ABH. In addition, she is a teacher, speaker, and medium offering information from the other side for illness, relationships, and issues in your life. Marilyn can help you find health, happiness, and prosperity.

 Check out her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

 Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424 176 videos on You Tube at  https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Healing A Soul


I was very surprised to find that in past lives, I had been a Shaman. Having had several Indian past lives was a surprise, but his was the biggest one.  I had answers for how the dynamics of our souls can be healed in this human experience.

 In my growing up through a dysfunctional family of alcohol, mental illness, domestic violence, and abuse, I had endured many difficulties including almost dying 12 times. Somehow, I came through these episodes with answers to clarify what was the dynamics of my experiences.

 Through reflection, I was able to access information of the solutions to the situations and move forward in my life with less baggage. It seemed endless after years of these events. However, my life did seem to grow into more serenity.  The only concern was that more kept being revealed through more incidents and needing to find new answers.

 I enjoyed the improvement for moving beyond my sick family and marriage, but would the happenings ever stop. Through my meditations, I continued to find more answers to living a life in love. I realized I was cleaning out my soul from the lessons meant for me to move into a higher consciousness of unconditional love.

 Fortunately, I was able to receive training to help others connect with their souls and have helped many work on this almost endless journey. As I found answers through my pain, I share them with other so they too can heal that part of the soul.  It is about transforming our feelings from fear into being a love-based person. We have difference experiences, but the feelings are the same for all of us.

 The answer told to me from spirit was to identify each fear, resentment, anger, shame, etc. to release it and replace it with love and grace. Over time, this has proved to be very productive. I became a fearless person, I thought until this last weekend. 

 I was scared to death, as I could not walk from the bedroom to the kitchen to eat during the day. I lay in bed terrified from the spasms that continued through the day.  I have had arthritis in my knees for several years that are quite painful. However, last weekend, the excruciating contractions lasted more than an hour this time.

Since I knew that pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth, I asked myself from where was this pain coming. Hearing I had to feel the pain of being scared to death. I requested answers.  My feelings were frozen from my disastrous growing up and life. I found 9 times in this life that I was scared to death, but ignored the feelings, as I could not do that. In growing up I was not allowed to talk, trust, or have feelings in my family or marriage. It was time to feel the feelings. Now was really the time to experience those feelings for them to leave. 

 When I prayed for my higher power to release my being scared to death,  I found that I needed the experience to realize that I was spirit and would never die. Spirit is forever, eternal, and everlasting. I would change form and return, although I would not die. I felt free and empowered to be filled with the spirit of love that is always there within. I just had to move beyond the ego messages of fear that stop it.

 My books at Amazon, You Tubes, counseling, and monthly columns are all about how to move beyond the ego and into the reality of a loving spirit that we truly are.  The universal spirit of love created us and always loves being with us no matter what the ego/ brain messages are. Moving into healing my soul feels like the pieces of the puzzle have come together. 

 This concept is explained further in Marilyn's ten books, You Tubes, readings, and counseling. Marilyn Redmond is an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, readings, regression, IBRT, and healing, ABH. In addition, she is a teacher, speaker, and medium offering information from the other side for illness, relationships, and issues in your life. Marilyn can help you find health, happiness, and prosperity.


 Check out her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com

 Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmon...

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Mari...

176 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup...

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.c...

Contact her at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com