Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pearls of Wisdom


 While visiting relatives several years ago, I saw a book about Mother Teresa on their coffee table. I am an avid reader so I picked up the book and was intrigued by the anecdotes. I found pearls of wisdom as I enjoyed reading the wonderful stories. One especially stood out to me that I would like to share. This insight is a great help to maintain confidence, sanity and success. This astuteness was found on the wall in her home for children in Calcutta.

 People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

 If you have been reading my articles in the Sussex Newspaper, you will understand this wonderful advice. Yes, people have off days, act unreasonably and selfish. I find they are wounded people usually trying to do their best with the tools they have or do not have.  Many are raised in poor family conditions that did not promote self-esteem and self-love. I accept that it could not have been any different. Today it does not reflect on my own value or self-esteem. I forgive them as they do not even know what they are doing as it is the only way they know.

 Always being kind brings great rewards as what you send out returns. I have learned to send out love and it is returning. For me that is a huge change from my past which you have read about.  Now, good things are happening in my life that I never thought would. If my friends are dependent on my being a success for them to be my friend, I would rather not have that kind of person in my life today. If they are jealous of my success, it shows their lack of maturity in honoring someone's wins. When I support others that comes back to support me. I do not need fair weather friends.   

 I have to be honest and sincere today, as that is the way. When others deceive me, it seems to come back on them. They really are deceiving themselves and it has nothing to do with me. This is not an easy lesson, but with effort, I have come not to buy into their game. In addition, it is better to learn to design beyond past creations, I discovered. The lesson for me is that fresh efforts are actually better in my new life. I actually went past the old ideas and found better and added results. Like a ladder, I moved a step into a higher level that enhanced my creativity.

 I did find some people jealous with my improved life of happiness and serenity. I was asked to leave an organization. A list of what I did wrong was presented to me without any way for me to explain the misinformation listed. Later I realized I had outgrown this group and my growth into joy was not for them. Leaving was actually a gift. Furthermore, doing good deeds give me great pleasure and even if others forget, my memories give me a pleasant inner feeling that no one can change. My own inner joy is the best reward.  

Trying to do my best has always been my goal. However, nowadays with my new attitudes and inner housecleaning, it comes from my heart. This has shown a difference in how life happens for me. It was not noticed before. Today, it can or may not be noticed, but I am content with me and not needing validation to enjoy my best efforts.

 Now I understand what others think of me is none of my business. I benefit from the good feelings and gladness that my efforts bring. God is energy in expansion and when I share, do my best, do well, am honest, sincere, and kind; the person that benefits is me. If others like my contribution, help, or assistance that is their choice. I do it from my heart and my heart sings in joy. I do what I do because it is admirable for me.       

My books are being distributed internationally to prisons and used as a booked study in San Quentin. I was just included in the current, prodigious book, "Who's Who in America. This concept is explained further in her books, You Tubes, readings, and counseling. Marilyn Redmond is an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, readings, regression, IBRT, and healing, ABH. In addition, she is a teacher, speaker, and medium offering information from the other side for illness, relationships, and issues in your life. Marilyn can help you find health, happiness, and prosperity.

 Check out her website,

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