Saturday, September 26, 2020

Accepted into "Who's Who In America"


I have been called "A Miracle". I grew up in a dysfunctional family of alcoholism, mental illness, domestic violence, with PTSD from a life of abuse. Unknowingly, I married what I was use to because it was familiar. Through almost dying 12 times, counseling, and a spiritual path with meditation, gradually I found a path out of hell. 

As my husband was manically driving to punish me, on the way home from a vacation in Canada in the middle of the night, we almost had three head on collisions. I was so terrified I prayed, "God, please help me I really do not want to die." Within minutes, he drove onto the shoulder and passed out over the wheel of the car. 

Through that prayer for help, I ended up in a treatment center for co-dependency and alcoholism. I had no idea I was addicted to the prescriptions from the doctor. I found out that one pill and one drink is six times the effect. I was in the late stage of alcoholism and to drink was to die. I was also addicted to my husband and family for survival as I was emotionally three years old and had not grown up emotionally, even though I had seven years of college and taught school, successfully. As an emotional three year old I had graduated Valedictorian from high school and even soloed as a flutist with the Bellingham Symphony. I looked good on the outside, but was dying on the inside. 

During my treatment program, I was introduced to a daily spiritual program to replace the medications. This brought a new pair of glasses of reality. I had no idea I was also mentally ill, an alcoholic, an adult child of an alcoholic, and traumatized throughout my life from sexual and other abuse. 

With sober eyes, I cleared away the past harms with forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and unconditional love, so I could release it for a new beginning. Today, I  live in the "Now" which is the presence of love. It is a gift and that is why it is called The Present. I became fearless and found a life I never dreamed possible. 

I became an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, past life regressionist, and a medium graduating from the Natural Psychic School of Metaphics. I learned how to apply the wisdom of Einstein who said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". I am Internationally Board Certified for Regression Therapy, IBRT, and on the American Board of Hypnotherapy, ABH. 

I have several writing awards. The Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment organization notified me, that their prison program is distributing my books internationally to prisons. In the last week, "Who's Who in America" informed me that I will be in their current book. 

I have 10 books, eBooks on Amazon which I illustrated, included in 23 anthologies (One is 'What a Dream', "The Book of Amazing People", Mithera & Athena Publishing 2017) , written over 100 international articles, have 175 You Tubes, hosted, and produced two radio shows, write two columns a month. In addition, I write for my blog and several other blogs. 

I see myself as God employed and listen for my guidance through morning mediation. The ability comes to accomplish a task at the time I need it. Through being sober for 35 years and off all medications for 19 years, I have found sanity. It is necessary to move into the truth of who you are, people need to be true to themselves. Trust your feelings, and follow your feelings.

I have healed nine addictions, mental illness, domestic violence, PTSD, depression, and more. In the course of this, I found the answers to how life works and how to align with the loving universe that created us in love. There is a way to grow beyond past thinking that perpetuates conditions and difficulties in life. A diagnosis does not need to be a lifetime sentence. Life is not a mystery anymore. Today, in all things I look for the good.

Web site is

Books: at

Barnes and Nobel

Blog is

Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube at   

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