Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Contact Marilyn for your spiritual help: Readings, Counseling, Past Life Therapy, Healing Core Issues, Her Books and Your Angel Paintings and Family Portraits

Reverend Marilyn Redmond, CHT, IBRT. BA in Ed, International Speaker, International award winning writer, International Author, International Consultant, International Columnist, International Board of Regression therapy, Therapeutic Hypnotist, Past Life Therapy,  ordained minister for spiritual counseling, artist, and give readings. 

Marilyn's newest book, FINDING REALITY BEYOND FEAR, is now available at It is her path into being medically free of all prescriptions and beliefs that stopped health, sanity, and happiness. She found that the love within her heart is health. It is an inside job. Love heals: love never fails.

Her  ultimate "how to book" is “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You,” which reveals how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of domestic violence, mental illness, addictions, disease and life's' challenges.

Marilyn recently published, "Road to Success" and inspirational book for those wanting to be on the spiritual path. My first book, Roses Have Thorns:  chronicles her traumatic journey in poetry. Her second book, “The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth”, explains how to reduce the influence of the ego. Marilyn's ten books and eBooks are on She illustrates all her own books. Her international column is in "The Sussex Newspaper" monthly, as their wellness expert.

Her new, live call in radio show, "Love Never Fails" allows you to call in with your questions every Tuesday at 3:00PM Pacific Time on at 866-451-1451. She is the speaker for this millennium and offers a wide range of information for curious listeners. Marilyn answers your questions from her experience, understanding, and insight. She has unique knowledge and wisdom of the human dilemma and the solutions that will work for you, too.

Marilyn's pioneering and innovative work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy, restores health and reality. She is available for interviews, seminars, individual counseling, and regression therapy. In addition, she paints your angels, pets, and family members by commission.

Marilyn is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. She teaches in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. Marilyn's many interviews, lectures, and spiritual information are on You Tube. Her TV and other appearances are big successes. 

Web site is
Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube at   

Contact her at 253-845-4907 or

Search for God meets on Dec. 6, 2018


We will begin again on December 6, 2018

 7-9 PM  in Edgewood, Washington

Call Marilyn at 253-845-4907  RSVP

and for details and questions about our discussion group  for spiritual principles. 

ABOUT ADHD--Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

While I still taught in the public schools in the 70's, a label was attached to children acting out in class. Those needing help to handle their behavior in my class were sent for a hair test by the school psychologist. Missing minerals and other elements were detected to balance the child's chemistry through a hair test. Proper nutrition was provided through the specially prepared school lunches, for two boys in my room. After two weeks, the boys were acting appropriate in the classroom. After the psychologist retired, Ritalin was prescribed rather than using diet to help the students. In my experience, I found that drugs are toxic and stop emotional growth and good feelings.

During my research for another article, I found a common thread among the many school shootings in the news. In speaking with a security guard at one of the schools, he divulged that the shooting students were on prescriptions, including Ritalin.

The following excerpt is from my research article, "Are the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and School Authorities Manufacturing Insanity",

…In the Columbine incident great attention was in the media, without the real cause. That the students were on drugs was not widely shared. One survivor of Columbine, Mark Taylor, in his testimony before the FDA 9/13/2004 stated, “As Americans we should have the right to feel safe and if you were doing your job we would be safe. Why are we worrying about terrorists in other countries when the pharmaceutical companies have proven to be our biggest terrorists by releasing these drugs on an unsuspecting public? The manufacture did not disclose the negative side effects of antidepressant-induced manic behaviors like fire starting, violence and aberrant behavior as the high profits came in. They are potentially habit forming, meaning addictive and create long-term patients and then profits. A pill does not assist in dealing with life. Let us support our youth in dealing with their problems utilizing effective, natural drug-free solutions…

US American psychiatrist, Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish Immigrants, who was the “Scientific father of ADHD” said at the age or 87 in his last interview, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” Since 1968, Leon Eisenberg’s “disease” was expressed in the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as “hyperkinetic reaction of childhood”, now called “ADHD in the United States.

The use of Ritalin raised the question that it amounted to interference in the child’s freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which “considerably curtails their freedom and impairs their personality development.

The issue led to the investigation of “financial ties” to the pharmaceutical industry. They found there was a financial association between those prescribing with companies in the medicinal manufacturing. In addition, they found a one hundred percent financial tie to drug companies for other prescribed drugs, especially for the treatment for mental disorders.

In my practice, I found that one child in a typical dysfunctional family will act out the family's emotional baggage. The student carries the anger, shame and other emotional weight of the family and becomes the scapegoat. Placing children in the hands of a pharmaceutical market because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of human behavior and raising children is a form of insanity. Let us return to the basic matter of individual psychology and education where the child is to acquire personal responsibility and appropriate behavior under sensible guidance involving the family and the schools.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Join our metaphysical discussion group- Search for God- Thursday evenings at 7-9 PM

About Schools and Education

 It does not take money but being open-minded to allow individuals to be themselves. As a retired teacher in the state of Washington, I understand what needs to happen to education. It is not about tests, money, or rigid teacher training, it is about a balanced philosophy for left and right brain creativity.

There is a faction who wants to raise a labor force that does not think for themselves. Schools have been taken over by this agenda and infiltrated the curriculum and purpose of education. What is a real education? To “deliver information” as described by recent educators and Bill Gates is the opposite of the meaning of education. This is the intent of a controlling manipulative group who in our society wishes to govern.

Real education allows that inner person to come alive with imagination, inspiration, and feelings create real people. Free thinkers do not accept tyranny, laws that deprive freedom, and thought control. As a public school teacher with more than sixty years experience, I would like to explain about teaching. It is more important to have a teacher with a rational mind, a healthy attitude, and an open mind, than a trained teacher that is pushed through a restrictive set of curriculum that promotes everyone being the same. 

In the fifties, we taught to the needs of the student, and then it changed to the school district decided what we were to teach, followed by the state mandates, then the federal government had "No Child Left Behind". It has been a slow change of philosophy to create a limited mindset, therefore denying the whole child.

We need diversity and not similarity to make our country strong. We have to have people who think out of the box and are not punished for thinking beyond the current trends of uniformity. Test scores are only a number given to the results of the performance by a student on a given day on a skill learned. It has nothing to do with innate intelligence or ingenuity. 

To pigeonhole a student with a number and compare them to another person takes away the individuality of the student’s unique abilities and talents. It reduces them to a digit and takes away their personality and personal freedom to be themselves. When did leaders come from the well-trained ranks? Only if they have the ability to be creative, intuitive, and offer ideas beyond the confined thinking of the times is there real education. 

The United States has departed from our pioneers in education: such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Abraham Maslow. Friedrich Froebel's philosophy was that humans are creative beings. These educators provided an innovative process producing real education for pupils. Teachers need to assist a student in finding their own abilities while discovering learning is limitless.

A person who is able to encourage others to think from his heart did not learn it from a book. This is the real teaching and is not quantifiable. "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." Galileo.

A left-brain curriculum creates robots and children with poor self-esteem. People are individuals and no one is the same. It is not teaching to fill a student with book learning. In addition, you cannot teach a teacher to think with his heart. The movie, "Spare Parts" is a great example of a teacher who allowed high students to enter a contest and use their talents to achieve victory over Ivy League colleges in a national contest for underwater robotics. When the students were encouraged to think with their imaginations, they were not only winners, but gained self-esteem. 

Creativity is discouraged because book learning and test readiness takes priority, recently. This is a grave mistake if you want to build success within a child. I was taught "success breeds success" in college classes for teacher's training. When labeled a failure for being a square peg in a round hole, the emotional damage may not ever be repaired. 

I am an instinctive a teacher finding that learning in a happy situation works much better. A good teacher will drop out of the field because they are sensitive people. What is left is a robot teacher teaching robot students. A basic and diverse background was not meant to create humiliating hoops to jump through while training in the profession, as I just heard from a person supervising student teachers. 

As an international speaker, international award winning writer, international author, international consultant, international columnist, international board certified regression therapist,  artist, and ordained minister for spiritual counseling, I share my experience, strength and hope that  "everyone will enrich their lives". 

For Tarot/Psychic Readings and Counseling on Skype: 

Web site is
Blog is

Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube at   

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Healing from Bipolar Disorder and Mental Illness

A diagnosis does not have to be a lifelong sentence. Thirty-three years back I gave up drinking alcohol and was given medications from a psychiatrist to help my unbalanced life. I had gone for help to leave my domestic violence, abandonment, and shamed life as I was living in survival and victimization.

After eighteen years on prescriptions that addicted me, my new doctor put me on Depakote. I found it was addicting, too, even though I was told it was not. However, the side effects became worse than the disorder and my friend saw them as disturbing. It was as if I now had Bell's Palsy or Parkinson's, too. It was time to stop the pills. This was the worst withdrawal I have ever experienced.

Each day a loving God was like the carrot before the mule. Detoxing took three months. Because I was disoriented, I could not drive, fill out a form, or balance my checkbook. I found that Bipolar Disorder is a way to run away from reality just like drinking. Moreover, medications also drugged me and kept me stuck in my insanity.

It was time to give up my old mind-set from my family that lived in a fear-based life of alcoholism and mental illness. My yielding to a caring Higher Power was my answer. I found that wellness is my spiritual inheritance. Love would heal my life.

I humbly asked God to remove my Bipolar Disorder and thanked him for replacing it with His love and grace. In addition, I took many supportive actions to raise my vibrations into a higher consciousness beyond the fears and harms of the past.

An excellent support came from Flower Essences that are pure energy and became essential to moving out the old energy. They push out stuck, dark, emotional energy leaving space for loving energy to replace the old trauma, crisis, fear, and other negativity. Over time, I grew into grace, which restored the natural chemical balance in my body. I was not deficient of drugs; I was lacking love as the basis for a balanced life in reality. Accepting a loving basis for my life restored my true chemistry.

With my new way of life, I replaced my old thoughts and behavior to positive responses and faced life's issues. I had been looking for love in all the wrong places, my husband, job, children, even church. I moved my actions and thinking to respond as if I were in the presence of love.

The chemical balance in my body was restored after I was off all prescriptions and turned a new leaf by focusing on the next right thing in front of me. This replaced my reacting from the past while in survival. As a substitute for my fear based emotions that I released, instead, I chose to focus on gratitude for a benevolent energy of the universe that is within all our hearts. Now, I project a positive attitude and feel cheerful emotions.

I was a changed person. Living in the presence of love brings peace, happiness, and sanity, which I had not felt before; it felt good. Asking God daily to guide my thoughts, words and actions, changes my motivation into sending out loving emotions, rather than my fear-based thoughts of the past.

Another practical suggestion is to drink lots of pure water; this will flush out your system. If you carry a bottle of water, write on paper Love and Acceptance facing inward for the water to connect with the vibrations of the words. Over time as you drink this water, you will feel more spiritual. Your body is mostly water. In his book, "The Hidden Messages in Water", Dr. Emoto showed in his work with water crystals that we can change water by using positive words on our water. My drinking water then has a new taste and is supportive to a healthy person. Later, I changed the words on my drinking water to God and moved into more sanity.

For me, Bipolar Disorder was a lesson to learn to love and forgive others and myself. I could face reality and address life in loving solutions, instead of running from reality. I am daily thankful for a new healthy life where I love myself and help others. Bipolar Disorder became my gift to learn that there is no life sentence, only the opportunity to grow beyond the past into a new life in the present.

My new life includes being totally honest with myself which is an everyday choice to live in reality.
Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Health said, "There are in truth no incurable conditions". This became my inspiration to move into being mentally free of the diagnosis. My psychiatrist declared me sane several years ago. With a daily focus of the consciousness of the presence of love in my life, I retain my sanity.

“Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You” is my book with the principals and steps I took into sanity. It helps people overcome their maladies of health, addictions, mental and relationship issues.
As an Internationally Board Certified Regressionist, I assist people to find the root cause of any illness or difficulty so it can be replaced with a loving solution. Growing beyond my verdict brought the gift of maturity. Today, I am happy, joyous, and free of the ego's messages from the past.

In addition, I am an international author, speaker, consultant, and columnist. My email is for psychic readings. My website is My books on offer help to overcome any difficulty. My blog is My lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube have my solutions to life's dilemmas.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Michael Bradford is guest on " Love Never Fails" this Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Michael Bradford of profound soul level transformations is the guest on LOVE NEVER FAILS with Marilyn Redmond taking your questions by calling 866-451-1451.this Tuesday at 6:00PM ET on Michael will discuss his book     "Mastering the Human Experience, Your Soul's Journey n Earth". If you are interested in soul growth, this book will assist you in your journey. Call in for answers to the questions you have always wanted to know about your soul and your journey.

In addition, ask your questions about your health and wellbeing; they are Michel's primary concern. He is world renowned for his ability to quickly identify and release the deepest root cause of challenges. Over the past 35 years, he has earned an international reputation by assisting the medical teams of Holistic, Chiropractic, and medical clinics in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Michael has a Master Degree and advanced training in Energy Medicine. His fields of expertise include health, healing, relationships, personal excellence, spiritual growth, intuition, creativity, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation. His cutting –edge approach saves you valuable time and money. He accesses energies that lie beyond third dimensional reality. At this level, all information and the concept of instantaneous healing are available. This provides the opportunity for fast, deep change.

Marilyn has unique knowledge and wisdom of the human dilemma, also and the solutions that will work for you, too. She shares her experience, strength, and hope including tools to help you find your inner strength for health, healing, empowerment, and a higher consciousness. Her pioneering and innovative work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness, and releasing negative energy restores health and reality. Marilyn is multi-talented and wishes to share all her abilities with everyone.

Her many topics for "Love Never Fails" will embrace: Relationships, Holistic Health and Healing, Regression, Therapeutic and Past Life Therapy, Counseling, Empowerment, Self-esteem, Domestic Violence, Addictions, Education, Spirituality, Angels, Mediumship/ Psychic, Meditation, Tarot, and more. Suggest your own topic, too.

 Marilyn graduated from Western Washington University and attended the University of Washington for her graduate work. She is a retired school and college teacher. Marilyn was ordained as a spiritual minister for spiritual counseling along with becoming a healer, regressionist, past life therapist, and other related proficiencies.

In addition, she is teaches in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. She is an International award winning writer, author, and an artist of angels that she sees, as well as being available for readings, counseling, and portraits of your angel. 

Her monthly column is in "The Sussex Newspaper" on the internet as their wellness and spirituality expert. Marilyn channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and your family members passed over. She has 10 paperback books and EBooks at  Check out her website , , and her many video interviews, lectures, and spiritual information on .  
Marilyn is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 

Love Never Fails is every Tuesday afternoon at 6:00 PM ET on the Do not miss each exciting show and the archives to the great shows of the past.  

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Tips for Healthy Relationships on Tuesday at 6:PM ET

Tips for Healthy Relationships are on "Love Never Fails", Tuesday at 6:00 PM ET on Call your host Marilyn Redmond at 866-451-1451 with your questions and concerns.

Marilyn Redmond is the speaker for this millennium and offers a wide range of information for curious listeners. Marilyn answers your questions from her experience, understanding, and insight. Tune in every week with your questions, and to hear "Love Never Fails" for exciting programs with answers that work and go beyond usual opinions. She has unique knowledge and wisdom of the human dilemma and the solutions that will work for you, too. She shares her experience, strength, and hope. Her guests bring fresh information for her listeners.

Her many topics will embrace: Relationships, Holistic Health and Healing, Regression, Therapeutic and Past Life Therapy, Counseling, Empowerment, Self-esteem, Domestic Violence, Addictions, Education, Spirituality, Angels, Mediumship/ Psychic, Meditation, Tarot, and more.
 Marilyn graduated from Western Washington University and attended the University of Washington for her graduate work. She is a retired school and college teacher. Marilyn was ordained as a spiritual minister for spiritual counseling.

Get your copy of her newest book, "Finding Reality Beyond Fear"" at Follow Marilyn on a spiritual journey from the depths of darkness into eternal light. She has many paperback books and EBooks at

Read her monthly column at "The Sussex Newspaper" on the internet as their wellness and spirituality expert. Check out her website: Angelicasgifts, and see her many video interviews, lectures, and spiritual information on You Tube. Marilyn channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and your family members passed over. Email her at for your appointment.

Remember every Tuesday tune or call into "Love Never Fails", for answers and your questions. at 6:00 PM ET on Call your host, Rev. Marilyn

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Flower Essences Can Change Your Life this Tuesday Afternoon at 6:00PM ET on LOVE NEVER FAILS

Learn about Flower Essences and how practical they are to transform your energy and feelings into a loving peaceful place. Flower Essences and how they enhance your life is on "Love Never Fails" this Tuesday afternoon at 6:00 PM ET on with Marilyn Redmond as your host. Her guest is Diana Pepper of Tree Frog Farm who makes these wonderful elixirs of loving energy. The flowers and other elements infused in the solution bring emotional clarity, freedom, understanding, and more into your life. They are a non-toxic way to enhance all parts of your life. Whatever your concern, there is an essence that can support a more positive alternative to improve your thoughts and feelings.

Since childhood, Diana Pepper has felt a close bond with plants and animals that has grown into a deep reverence for Life. She now communicates with the plants, plant spirits, and fairies/nature spirits of Tree Frog Farm, and with angels and teachers of other dimensions. She shares her journey into a different world to bring these marvelous remedies to you for your enhancement and growth.
Marilyn brings understanding in all parts of life from her own personal experiences. Love Never Fails is a weekly show that provides solutions, answers, and information to improve your life and reality. You can create a happy reality by how you live your life. 

Each week, past shows have included discussions to change fear, resentments, shame, and even domestic violence. In addition, stress, tapping, affirmations, and Reiki have been topics. They are all in the achieves at. Do not miss the show where she shares her own angel stories now on the archives, show number ten.

Marilyn shares wisdom through her more than thirty years of speaking, writing, and counseling. In addition her 50 years in education-acquired through years of teaching elementary through college students—offers solutions to educational problems. She channels ascended Masters, archangels, and your family members passed over. Make your appointment for a reading at

Marilyn has 10 books and eBooks on at  Her web site is and her blog is. Marilyn's many interviews, lectures, and spiritual information is on You Tube at   .

An international lecturer, awards winning author and columnist, she appears at universities, seminars, retreats, and conventions. Marilyn has 10 books and eBooks at, along with her many Youtube videos including, Empowerment, Domestic Violence, and spiritual messages. She appears on radio and television. Currently, she is hosting her live call in talk radio show, "Love Never Fails".

Marilyn is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and
She is an international board-certified regressionist and counselor, holds a bachelor of arts in education, and has completed three years of graduate school. An ordained minister, she has been inducted into "Manchester's Who's Who" for pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness, and releasing negative energy.

Here are a few testimonials. "She understands addictions better than most doctors," asserts psychiatrist Dr. George Zerr, MD. "I very much enjoyed the real life stories and examples." Says Corrine Thompson, Association for Research and Enlightenment Program. "Marilyn is an excellent speaker and down to earth."
Tune in every Tuesday afternoon for "Love Never Fails"  with your questions and to hear exciting world-shattering programs that go beyond  old ideas and understanding at 3:00PM Pacific Time on and call 866-451-1451 with your questions. Achieves of prior programs keep you also informed.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Marilyn Shares Her Many Angel Stories June 5th on " Love Never Fails"

Don't miss Marilyn's personal angel stories this Tuesday, June 5, 2018 on "Love Never Fails" call in live talk radio show at 6:00PM ET on Marilyn  has many stories where they helped her put out a fire in her home, put her back on the road as the car went off the cliff, and more. She almost died 12 times and they walked her through the trauma and kept her safe. They even stopped he husband from beating her up in domestic violence. 

Marilyn has six angels, one of which is Archangel Michael, who first showed himself to her in Spain while she was on a spiritual trip in Europe. She is consciously connected to him daily and appreciates his power in her life to move closer to her Creator.

Her stories show that we have spiritual help always around us. They provide understanding to all of life to her, which she writes in her books, shares on the radio, and with her counseling clients. This information affords her to give readings to those wanting to understand their lives better.   They speak to her daily

This spiritual information is for you too, in her books, You Tubes, and therapy assistance. Marilyn loves sharing how to move into a more loving life from her experience and knowledge from her angels.

Her show allows you to call in with any question. She has a wide range of experience and understanding to life and how to perceive your problems. Marilyn found the glass is not half-full, but overflows with blessings daily. You too can enjoy this life.

Her newest book, "Finding Reality Beyond Fear", is now available on Amazon. It tells her path into being medically free of all prescriptions and beliefs that stopped her health, sanity, and happiness. Marilyn found that the love within her heart is the answer. When she releases all the outside advice, information, and lack of truth, then a better life manifests. Love heals: love never fails. It is an inside job.

Her monthly column is in "The Sussex Newspaper" on the internet as their wellness and spirituality expert. Marilyn channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and your family members passed over. She has many paperback books and EBooks at Check out her website: Angelica's Gifts.comher blog, and her many video interviews, lectures, and spiritual information on You Tube.

Marilyn is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 

She graduated from Western Washington University and attended the University of Washington for her graduate work. She is a retired school and college teacher. Marilyn was ordained as a spiritual minister for spiritual counseling along with becoming a healer, regressionist, past life therapist, and other related proficiencies. .

In addition, she is teaches in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. She is an International award winning writer, author, and an artist of angels that she sees, as well as being available for readings, counseling, and portraits of your angel. Her web site is
Remember every Tuesday afternoon to join her for this new, live call in radio show, "Love Never Fails".  She will answer your questions at 866-451-1451 or listen  to Weekly.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Laurel Brooks Explains EFT on "Love Never Fails" May 29, 2018 3:00PM ET

                            with MARILYN REDMOND
     at 6:00PM ET on  May 29, 2018 on

Laurel Brooks explains EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)  on "Love Never Fails" May 29, Tuesday, at 6:00 PM ET with host Marilyn Redmond on  This new live call in talk radio show has innovative conversations beyond the conventional topics on the air.  Join the show weekly for pioneering information that will enhance your life. Call in with your questions to 866-451-1451 for answers from Marilyn's extensive expertise. 

Her varied topics each week could be Holistic Health, Healing, Flower Essences, Qigong, Therapeutic Hypnosis, Negative Entities, Past Life Regression, Empowerment & Self-Esteem. Relationships, Domestic Violence, Addictions & the Family, Educational Excellence, Teaching & Workshops, Spiritual & Metaphysical, Channeling Ascended Masters & Archangels, Psychic & Tarot Readings, Inspirational, Art-Portraits (angels, pets, and family members) & commissions. Call her and tell her your topic suggestions.

Marilyn books are at  They include "Roses Have Thorns Encouragement on Evolving from Pain to Joy", The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm Bringing Heaven to Earth, Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You", "Road to Success", "Finding Reality, Beyond Fear", and several EBooks as "Peace on Earth Finding a New Life", "Vasanas: The Gifts that Show Us the Way", "All Time Victim: Domestic Violence", "Incest, Love Heals the Soul," and Spiritual Alignment: Are You Ready for 2012?  All her books provide inspiration, answers, and tools to enhance your life.

In addition, Marilyn is an International award winning writer, author, artist, and poet. Her monthly column is in The Sussex Newspaper on the internet, as their wellness and spirituality expert. Marilyn channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and your family members passed over. For counseling, your angel portraits, and  psychic readings contact her at

Her angel experiences are the topic for the  June 5, 2018 show.. Don't miss this electrifying show on Tuesday afternoon for "Love Never Fails" . Call in with your questions.

Hear exciting cutting edge programs that go beyond  old ideas and understanding at 6:00 PM ET on and tune in radio, 866-451-1451.  

Check out her web site at, her books at , her blog at, and her many lectures, interviews and spiritual information on You Tube at   

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

~ Love Never Fails ~

St. Germain
through Marilyn Redmond
May 8, 2018

“Good evening.  I am Saint Germain and I am so honored to be invited to this gathering.  You are special people, and you are inquisitive and learning and have very good hearts, and it is a joy to be among you.  I appreciate this opportunity and I do believe that the Peace does belong within each of us, in our hearts and that is what I wanted to talk about this evening, that that Peace has always been there and always will be there.  You were created in that Peace.  When you came to this Planet Earth, you chose to separate from God and lose that Peace through your activities of experimenting in energy. 

“And the time has come for that experiment to come back into the Peace that is your birthright, that Peace that has always been everlasting and always will be.  You see, you have the power within you to change that energy within you.  The separation from God brings various emotions that are low, dense energy, such as fear, anger, guilt, rage.  Those energies are of the darkness and those people that are filled with darkness are the ones that are acting out in their misery.  And those people that are willing to move into the Light and change your energy within you to the Light if that has not occurred, but are growing more each day by doing that in your lifetime, how you handle things and respond in Love to all things around you makes a difference.

“You see, the energy you send out is not obvious.  It is a consciousness hidden behind your ego.  It is necessary for the ego-driven, low negative energy to be released and flow out so the Love can finally surface and come into manifesting in your lives.  We are bringing Heaven to Earth.  It was created in Heaven.  Earth is Heaven, but the dark energy has obscured it from your vision. 

“You are changing energies into Love every time you respond in Love and leave your fear behind which is of the ego, which is edging God out.  So with your courage and God’s strength in Love you can move into responding with loving behaviors.  Your thoughts, your words and your actions are always the energy you send out, but the level of consciousness makes the difference.

“In the Bible they describe that conscious raising as Jacob’s ladder.  And as you rise in consciousness into higher and higher Light, the darkness will dispel and disappear.  You are creating whatever disasters around you from the consciousness you send out.  The situations around you are a mirror to that consciousness within.  They are mirroring back to you what you need to change.  Change to loving your neighbor as yourself no matter how gruesome or irritating it is.  We are all God’s children.  Their behaviors are not appropriate and we love them until they can love themselves.

“Love never fails.  Love heals.  The wounded parts of ourselves need to be loved back into wholeness.  You are a whole spirit, a holy spirit and always have been, except that different parts of your soul have been splintered off from abuse, harm, and difficulties.  Let that Love in your heart grow into healing and restoring your wholeness, bringing your parts of your woundedness back together in a loving unity.  Those parts can be mended with Love.  Love heals all.

“So as you look out from yourself, then what do you see?  If you look at the news you see all the disasters.  Then why do you look at that?  If you focus on something, it grows.  So I assume that you would want to choose something better than the news to focus on, focusing on the Love in your heart. 

“How you do that might be an individual choice.  Meditation is very helpful for that.  The more you meditate the more Love you expand in your life.  And the more you send out of that Love, the less problems are out there for you to have to deal with.  And if they do come up, always extend Love.  Love heals all.  And as you move into that whole spirit, those energies will change and you will have created Heaven on Earth.

“If you understand, this is all about changing energy back to the source.  It is not about the people that are playing out the parts.  They are representing the energies.  Send them Love and send them all the good wishes that you hope that they will come back into the Light, because Love will give them a chance to change their direction and their behaviors. 

“When a person feels loved, they don’t act out and hurt others.  It’s when people feel hurt and harmed and threatened, it is their defense.  And they don’t have to defend themselves if they aren’t being attacked.  We need to send Love so that they will put down their arms and say, ‘What’s there to fight about?  I can’t fight Love.  There’s no way I can address that.  It feels too good.  I don’t want to hurt that feeling.  I want to be part of it.’

“So we can embrace all our brothers.  The enemies are within you.  You are a Christed Being.  You just need to release your negative energies and bring it all into the Oneness, the unity, cooperation, of the loving person that you are so that you can find your divinity.  And when you find that divinity, you can move into super consciousness, which means you have given up judgment, you have given up criticism, right and wrong, having all the answers.  ‘Thy will be done’ will resolve many, many, in fact all, issues.

“We create our own lives by the energy we send out.  It comes back like from a mirror for us to identify what energies in us need to be changed.  And as we change, our reality changes.  We are becoming dogmas. Dogma is not going to be our guidance; we are going to be without dogma and move into the spirit of Love as we relax and enjoy in the present.  The past is only an illusion of separation from God and as we move into the present, the moment, the now, all there is is Love. 

“The past is a history that does not have to be repeated or recreated.  And there is no future.  What you do today in Love will create an even better future.  Each day can be improved by what you do today.  There is no reason to worry.  There is no reason to fear. You can eliminate your own barriers to limitations you put upon yourself.  Releasing these limitations is going to expand your energy in Love for the whole planet.  It is like a pebble being thrown into the water. How you change, your reality will change.  It ripples out beyond and beyond.  You are the micro and it touches and expands into the macro.

“You are the one that can change and bring the Peace to Earth by moving out of your dogma, by moving out of your head which the ego likes to send negative messages and interact with your life in destructive ways and replace those old ideas with the energies of Love.

“The trick is - it is not an intellectual trip.  And this is what so many people are missing.  It’s a trip of energy changing.  Emotions are energy in motion.  The old energies of fear and anger, guilt, shame, have to literally be expressed and felt and then released.  You might try releasing them through asking them to be removed and replaced with Love and grace.

“When you feel those energies coming up, refrain from stuffing your feelings with addictions, illnesses and other prescriptions or overeating, the various ways people do stuff their feelings, and find healthier ways to express the Love that you were afraid to feel.  Feeling Love can be a very difficult experience if someone has had a lot of harm in their life, but to put down your defenses, open your heart, and totally move from an open, vulnerable place is what we are moving into, so we can experience that Unconditional Love of being a Christed Being, which means that you have moved past the immaturity of the third dimension.  No longer are you that little child, afraid of the boogey man or of having anger because it didn’t go your way. You’ve matured into a totally accepting person that life is exactly like it is meant to be, and I can respond to whatever challenges come to me in the most loving way for myself and others.

“You are the diamond.  You are the gold, the pot of gold that everyone is looking for.  You are even the fountain of youth inside.  When you let down your barriers, your limitations and your old ideas, then you will find yourself without growing older, without problems in your life that you can’t handle today or cause difficulties.  You will be able to deal with life in a smooth, pleasant way.  Doesn’t mean it will be perfect, but it won’t be as disastrous as the past.  There always is learning.  There always is growing spiritually, but the issues will now be coming more favorable, more pleasant and will be learning without the painful separation from God.

“When we give up judgment, we move into a higher consciousness, a super consciousness of the 5th dimension.  This is the dimension that was the creation of the planet.  We are moving back into being One with the Earth and with all those things that are of the planet that was created in this 5th dimension, is returning to its original source.  So projecting out anything that is not of God, is not seeing life as reality. Reality is Love and when you’re living with Love from your heart, it just gets better and better.  Poke yourself with tenderness, gentleness, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and all those things that are of goodness because God is good and that’s all there is.

“When you move into your heart, you will be at Peace.  And more Peace will come because as you focus on it as I said, what you focus on grows.  Give up your procrastinations.  Give up your excuses.  Be as honest as you can be.  Honesty is your connection to that Peace within.  Being honest with yourself and others is a peaceful place to be.  It is time to see life through the eyes of God, being humble, responding in loving ways.  As some people have said, what would the Master do?  Ask yourself that and perpetuate that and let people know how loved they are.

“So often families don’t really say that very often and they all need to hear it.   It’s a validation that you’re on the path, that you are growing and moving into the loving arms of your Creator, returning back to the Source through the Love of the universe.  We are creating pure souls to return to the Source of who and where we came from. 

“We are on that journey.  The photon light coming to the planet is assisting us.  It is a Light of Christ Being.  Let that Light fill you and dispel the darkness and all the misery from the past, and know that when you extend Love to others, that’s what comes back to you.  You will attract more Love by sending Love.  Some people have said that you attract more flies with honey than you do vinegar.  Think about that one, because that’s basically what we’re saying.  It can be very simple and very easy, but walking through it and applying it sometimes takes a little help from a higher power to help you manage that step forward into a new place. 

“Your comfort zone will change.  Allow it, saying, ‘My goodness, I must be growing again!’ and enjoy that new place in the moment where you do feel that Peace inside, where you do enjoy the love of yourself and others, and know that all is well in God’s timing and that it all needs to be just accepted as it falls in place.

“Acceptance is the answer to all your problems because you are then accepting reality.  Your wishes and dreams are not reality, but God’s plan is.  And when we accept it wholeheartedly, and walk through whatever lessons are before us, we are growing into wisdom.  And this experience inside is our teacher and we teach that to others.  The wisdom we learned from our experiences creates a better life because we have moved out of our ignorance and moved into the innocence of a child. 

“When your spirit is clear, you’ve cleaned out the dark energy and you are now without fault, without judgment, and you can just be playful, enjoying this beautiful planet.  God created this planet to be beautiful and to have fun, and to enjoy.  Life is to enjoy.  And as you do that, your life will expand and those around you will enjoy being with you and your circle will move into more and more acceptable, loving people that are actually there in unity, cooperation and caring.  We are moving into a new realm, a new dimension and that Peace is part of the moving into it, releasing anything that does not bring Peace.

“Do not focus on things that are outside of you that are not positive.  God is only Love and positive.  So as you focus on your new adventure, moving forward into that inner Peace, may God be with you and bless you on your trip.  It is a trip, but to think of it as an adventure      takes all the misery out of it saying, ‘I wonder what’s happening tomorrow?  What does God have planned for me?  It will be wonderful.  It will be glorious and I will be grateful that my needs have been met and I can now live in Joy and Peace forever.’

“I am yours truly of service, Saint Germain, helping you and wishing you well on that journey forward into the Peace within that is going to solve our planet moving into that Peace, not just our individual Peace, but a Planet Peace, because as I said, you are the micro and you are changing the macro.  I wish you well on your journey forward, moving beyond the old and not worrying about the future, just enjoying; right now is all there is.  Right now you are loved.  Right now you are safe and you are stably secure in the Rock of God.  Enjoy your trip knowing this.”

Transcription by Marta.
Given through Marilyn Redmond on Ashtar Legacy Family Call, May 8, 2018
Copyright Marilyn Redmond 2018 - All Rights Reserved.