Monday, October 31, 2016

Famous Channeler Suzanne Ward sees "Paradigm Busters" as a must-read!

Reviews are coming in for "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" . Get you copy at  

Dear Marilyn...

It’s wonderful that you already have excellent endorsements!  I was waiting to hear that you’re back at your desk so I can send you what I wrote:  

     If you want a joyful, uplifting life, Paradigm Busters: Reveal the Real You is the ultimate “how-to” book. Author Marilyn Redmond leads you step by step into self-empowerment and onto the pathway of self-discovery. Her book is much more than an explicit guide to fearlessly create life circumstances you want—it also takes you on an exhilarating conscious and spiritual journey that reveals your eternal divine soul-self. Paradigm Busters is a must-read!
                                                                           Suzanne Ward
                Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven and other books in the series
With blessings for your work to reach millions of readers, LOVE and PEACE...


Coming soon: "ROAD TO SUCCESS", Marilyn's latest eBook that give you the support and answers to be the hero in your own life while you improve your employment and all other parts of your life! 

"Paradighm Busters" is a Colosal Success with Readers, Internationally

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Moving Out of the Fog-Fear, Obligation, and Guilt

Marilyn L. Redmond talks about her moving beyond the FOG of Fear Obligation and Guilt , on Youtube. Her stories share her changes and progress into gratitude, love, forgiveness, and compassion. This poignant talk shows that overcoming the most difficult times is possible. She has moved into a higher consciousness where her life has changed for the better and she has become fearless, guiltless, and enjoys independence.

Her personal story is inspirational and presents the beneficial results of a new way to respond to victimizing and harmful situations. Learning that love never fails has been a valuable lesson. Her account shares several experiences for learning healthy responses that bring better results.  

Learning trust, faith, and to follow her inner guidance has brought a new life of peace and happiness.   Marilyn's  story can help those looking for answers to come out of being a victim, too. She has changed her motivations from fear by releasing them and replacing love and grace.

Marilyn's latest book is "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You". These  600 pages can transform your life. She details the steps to move out of being a victim, powerless, and insecure. Marilyn has moved out of her past dysfunctional life into a new mindset to find self-love.

With 25 years of crating, her book is the ultimate how to book for those looking for answers that work. She found life is not a mystery, if you understand the dynamics of the universe. Now you can overcome your fears and other problems, too. 

 Marilyn is one of the planet's true uninhibited spiritual warriors on a unique mission to help rid humanity of negative forces and embrace the light and healing desperately desired. This book is a must for anyone interested in the relationship between spiritual, psychological, and medical healing.

A true and inspiriting story of injury and the search for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. It is a life workbook, University earth. Her teachings and techniques for spiritual, psychological, and medical healing speaks to the higher purpose in life—the unlimited potential all of us have to empower others and ourselves.   

Check out her website at Her books are at Read her blog Redmond has 126 videos for lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on Youtube at

Sunday, October 9, 2016



Marilyn Redmond

Total darkness hides my path.
Not a glimmer of light shines.
Only fear, shame, and family guilt
surround and fill my essence.
How lonely, no one there for me.
Nothing to grasp for security.
Lost in the dark, what can I change? 
Without a clue I try to do life another way
Walking into brick walls, the bleeding hurts.

Years of abuse, anguish, and pain
Continues every step in agony.
Hoping for a better life eludes me.
How do you leave this prison to breathe?
Death fills me, the end is here.  A spark
Of light, tells me I want to exist.
How do I find the way? Amazingly,
Answers appear.  A path materializes
For my initiation to start.

Being honest, is the first clue
Hope and faith emerge to light the way.
Work to release all the obstacles, gradually
Allow more light to shine, brightness dawns.
Consciousness confirms my picture expanding
As a new puzzle piece fits into place.
Letting go of the obstructions to truth,
Reality increases.  As my nightmare leaves,
More sunshine appears.  

Clarity, harmony nurture security; no longer alone.
Continuing this journey into additional love
Brings gifts daily of inner happiness, joyfulness.
Removing every negative piece
Allows more grace to fill the empty space
Good feelings become frequent
Enjoy and share.  Past pains of separation
Dispel in the sunlight of my spirit.

Disease, miseries throbbing, disappear
Love like icing covers past disloyalty.
Coming home to caring arms
Surround me in unconditional charm.
No more criticism, judgment, or condemnation
Evermore embracing my infinite light within saying
All is good, all is love.

My inner home is eternally enduring.    ©2015