Saturday, November 18, 2023

Merging with the Love of the Universe


                                  Marilyn L. Redmond 

Religious teachings in the past separated people from the love that created us all. Religion and government under Constantine combine their forces to have control and mental programming through beliefs in the year 42AD. I wrote about this deception in my latest book. "A Spark of Truth "' at Amazon.


In rewriting the Bible several times, each time eliminating more of the original ancient sacred texts to promote the dogma of manmade beliefs rather that the truth from Source, some truth was mixed into the creed to make it sound as it is all truth. Repeating the creeds over time made them seem real. The creeds were accepted as truth. The false was accepted with the truths.


The changed focus promotes the idea that it is necessary to look without, for help from God. The teaching is that all answers come through a priest or minister. We are not taught to listen to our inner truth and inner voice. is the only connection you have to the God that created you. Human qualities were given to God as wrath, anger, punishment, and unworthiness was a strong focus in the teachings. 


I was encouraged to find a spiritual path because of health reasons as the medications were literally killing me. The doctor said I was dying. Simply put the separation from my Creator was the real problem. I more I directly listened to my heart and released the blockages to my hearing the word of God. I found a loving connection and love heals. I need to be consciously in daily contact with the creative forces of the universe that sustains life. Finding that meditation connects me directly to my Creator brings truth directly from within my soul.


Tesla understood energy. He said, “If you want to understand the universe, it is about energy, vibration, and frequency.” When I raise my consciousness, which is energy, into a higher vibration, and become the same frequency, I become the same energy/consciousness of what I desire, and it manifests. This is called The Law of Attraction.


The Law of Attraction is all about my aligning with the universal love that created us. The law is about compassion and synchronicity. Life is not about material wealth and possessions, but in attracting joy, love, and caring. The right use of will power is to unite with my higher power’s grace and love, knowing that "My grace is sufficient", 2 Corinthians 12:9. Intuition is the presence of my higher self telling me authenticity. It gives me beautiful visions of humanity joined in harmony, living in peace, self-sustaining communities, and upholding the sanctity of all life, in all ways.


Love will be the recapturing, the re-embracing, or the re-claiming of your Divinity and multi-interdimensional being remembering that you have the connection to the universal love of our Creator.  The Universal Laws supersede the laws of belief, countries, and common science. When the universe and man align, the results are beneficial. Presently, this is being addressed through Quantum Physics. 


I found practical information to move into a higher consciousness in using the list for the fruits of the spirit from the Bible. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5: 22-23  Each week I picked a new focus to put into practice. I could daily apply those attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors. This enabled my projecting higher vibrations from my new realization attracting like manifestation to come back to me. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17


This means that we can move into being a Christ. as I am a spiritual being having a human experience. As I emanate more love from my heart, I send it out. The more I send out the more love comes back for my spiritual growth as I ascend into more divinity. I grow into merging with the love of the universe.


With a rational mind, I was able to identify the negative qualities I needed to let go, as they no longer serve me. Those false beliefs were actually preventing my inner truth from manifesting. Gradually, I noticed my life changing. I moved from an appalling marriage of domestic violence, addictions, mental illness, depression, and more by changing my thoughts and actions. Applying this course of action brought me a lasting relationship of unconditional love and better health. What goes around comes around.


My books and counseling explain how to release the barriers to stop fears from manifesting. Transforming our lives from fear into love is the answer. It is a process described in my book, Paradigm Busters, at Amazon It is as simple as “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.1 John 4:18  I grow into being pure love. God is PURE  LOVE.




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