Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Acceptance is the Anwer


Acceptance is the Answer

Learning that changes continue unabated and not all are necessarily to my liking, was a fresh understanding about life. This week that did happen. Nevertheless, in the long term it will be seen that all serve a purpose and collectively will open up a path into a new era. I went for an MRI as the doctor thought it was helpful to see what might have been the cause of my stroke. I received the results that a non-cancerous lump was found on my brain. What a shock! I knew my heart was healthy and had never thought something else could be a concern at this time.

Today, I know when I align with the will of God, the problem seems to disappear. It is the resistance that continues the problem. What I resist persists, is true. I resisted facing life when younger and the pain from that is another story in past articles. In fact, the more I resisted in the past, life got worse.

I have healed many medical and relationship issues over the years. I have moved into a new life style that feels like grace while being supported in faith. I understand arthritis is a way to slow me down from being a workaholic-overachiever. The pain in my knees keeps me from moving around quickly and getting more things done faster.  

 I found that forgiveness for the people in my past from their abuse, freed me into a new life while I left the past behind. I had accepted the lessons in each situation that were actually opportunities for growing up. I had to accept the mistreatment to learn forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion. In praying for their health and well-being, I actually grew into maturity.  

 While in the ambulance on the way to the hospital during my stroke, I called out to God. What is the lesson in this one? After all the hospital tests, I walked out of the hospital without any brain damage and am able to continue my writing. I did not go into poor me, fear, or this is terrible. I found that when I accepted the situation just as it was, it was no longer the problem.

 I moved from the problem into the solution. I did have five holes in my right leg from the air bags exploding in the car accident during the stroke. It took over a year for the wound to heal completely. All the appointments for wound care slowed me further down. However, fortunately, I did not lose my leg.

 When driving into Seattle for an evening to see a stage play, it was a dark and blustery night. After enjoying the evening event, my fellow and I walked to the parking area for the car to return home.  We found one tire was flat. While my fellow changed the tire as I held the flashlight, I asked my angels why did this happen, as I had prayed before we left home for a safe trip to and back from Seattle.

 The response was you had to have the experience; it just did not have to be the worst scenario. The night is pitch black and you are in a dimly lit garage. You are not in the winds blowing trying to change the tire with the cars in the rain rushing by. You are inside dry and out of that weather while you change the tire. I told my fellow what I heard and he said he got the same message.  I found we go through the experience at the depth needed to learn the lesson. We did not need the worst predicament, but we did need the experience. My worst predicament would be to have found the lump was cancerous.

Edgar Cayce, the great psychic of the Twentieth Century, said that we need to go through every vibration on our way back to our Creator. I found that the lessons are less traumatic as I accept these lessons and move through them. I do not have to like the lesson, but I do have to accept it and move on. The lesson continues until the lesson is learned. Going up Jacob's ladder is not always easy, but not to accept the situation stops my maturity and spiritual growth.

 Several years ago, I found myself twice in my doctor's office out of my body as the injection missed its destination and caused me to lose my heartbeat and pulse. I was in spirit watching the whole scene as they sent home the people in the waiting room and the staff was trying to keep me alive. I did not understand at the time what was going on. I talked to God saying I do not know what is happening, but whatever side you want me on, is fine. Put me on the side that is what you want for me. I was pushed into Intensive care where I was given intravenous fluids. When I recovered, I drove myself home.  

 I did the same this morning. God, whatever side I am to be on from the lump on my brain, is fine. I am no longer afraid of death, as I know it is pure love on the other side with wonderful adventures waiting for me. Therefore, however this works out, I will be where you want me to be. I even figured out the lesson this morning.

 My 11 books are on Amazon, 190 videos on YouTubes, and I write two monthly columns, support spiritual growth through my books sent internationally to prisons. I am included in "Who's Who in America and Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executive. I have produced and hosted two radio shows.

 My latest book, "A Spark of Truth" at Amazon reveals the lies that have been the beliefs in our culture from many years. From the earliest times and  through secret societies evil Elites running the three major powers, government, religion, and finance have infiltrated society through banking education, medicine, media, and entertainment.  Learn how this came to be.  

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