Saturday, March 30, 2024


What Is A Soul Healer?

By Marilyn L. Redmond 


My video in-depth interview with Jim Masters, offers information that is not usually discussed. There are more effective and superior ways to resolve old problems and trauma in your life. Exploring different ways to improve your daily living is possible. It takes deeper elucidation into the subconscious to resolve old issues.


Do you have problems in your life? Are they coming from past reminiscences or unknown places than currently in your life? Most of us have past baggage that we learned growing up and from school, society, and organizations when we were young that are not in our best benefit.


Some people go for various kinds of help, counseling, or use meditation.  When the answers are not helping it might be a good idea to explore a deeper way as regression to resolve the old issues in a loving response. It is possible to heal the past and no longer have it being an influence in your daily life. The old solutions are often superficial. They may address the mental and behavioral reactions to your daily life, but do they really stop the dilemma?


Do you feel like your past is dead weight? Because it is.  Years earlier ,I did not realize how much those emotional ties to the past were being acted out in my daily life. Old issues are history and do not have any influence on my current day unless I am still hanging on to them. I took a class years back that said, I need to finish my unfinished business, as it is draining my energy for the existing day.

I found my anger and resentments were based from earlier days that did not go my way or people had not done what I wanted.  I was still reliving those emotions. That anger was not needed today as those situations were years ago. I realized I had to release them and heal them to be able to enjoy my current day completely. Any emotional stirrings to the past were waiting for my loving resolution of them.

One day, I was walking from one room and had to step down into the family room, when I heard the inner message that  all the family anger has been coming down through generations and landed on my shoulders to heal.  I was not raised to be angry. The current motto when I grew up was nice little girls do not get angry.  To say I am free from the triggers of past anger. However, I still find stuffed anger once in awhile that shows up to be heard and healed. 

Uncovering the old stuffed negative emotions from your life and the lives of the generational emotions you were raised in, is important if you want to live one day at a time. The old unresolved baggage drains off your energy for the day and over time will become an illness as it continues to drain you of your daily power.  

The answer is to find the origin of the trauma, difficulty, lack, or fear. With appropriate help to heal the source of the trouble, there are no more symptoms later. This resolves their influence into your current life. The energy for your daily adventures is complete to enjoy. The burdens from your past history and daily history are no longer affecting you present experiences.

I do not have to relive others unhappiness. I had been a good sponge and took on the abuse, pessimism, and other negativity from the family and others that were unhappy. I am a worthy person, I now can be authentic, have sovereignty, and   have my own life to take pleasure in. I do not carry the weight of my past or that from the family. I am free, happy, and lighter.

The work of a soul healer brings a love that never fails. A new life without the past weight to carry is the reward. Your soul is a "piece of God" and has not been able to function completely. Now with your new ability to respond in love to situations, you move into living in the "Now". You are emotionally available to enjoy your experiences and feel terrific.

It is the ability to live in the moment that is the reward. That is why it is called The Present. Being emotionally available to know you are loved and always have been is the healing.  When living in the current day without the emotional hangovers, your life comes alive to feel compassion, elation, happiness, and enjoy all the events each day.

. A spiritual minister/soul healer offers help from experience and wisdom. Love never fails.    My interview with Jim Masters  explains this and more.

Monday, March 25, 2024


By Marilyn L. Redmond

 Do you feel like your past is dead weight? Because it is. I took a class years back that said, I need to finish my unfinished business, as it is draining my energy for the existing day. At that time,  I did not realize how much those emotional ties to the past were being acted out in my daily life.  They are history and do not have any influence on my current day unless I am still hanging on to them.

I was still reliving those emotions. That anger was not needed today as those situations were years ago. I realized I had to release them and heal them to be able to enjoy my current day completely. I found my anger and resentments were based from earlier days that did not go my way or people had not done what I wanted. Any emotional stirrings to the past were waiting for my loving resolution of them.  

In addition, to healing old emotional wounds, I had to repair and restore any mechanical or other old repairs to run and be in running order for that energy to no longer drain me, either. The first one I identified was my old sewing machine needing to be repaired so I could sew my dress to be the mother of the bride. Then over time, I identified household repairs needed to keep my home in good shape that had been let go. I got a new kitchen floor and made a list of "to dos". Over time these items were completed, It felt good, to have them no longer on my mind.

In addition, I found old beliefs that no longer served me. I found beliefs were other people's thinking pushed onto me and which did not work for me as we all have a different path in life. I let my old belief leave to replace them with positive support heartfelt ideas that produced better feelings. I no longer bought the ideas of not being worthy, not having value, and needing to feel guilty for stories from thousands of years back.    

I called this my inner house cleaning. In mediation and prayer, I asked for each old item to be given to my higher power so I would not have to carry them emotionally anymore. I could clear then out for space to allow the new good feelings for today to be present. I was learning to be current in my daily life.         

All things considered this is also  the perfect time for a spring cleaning to align my physical space with the lighter elements of the new cycle that will express very creatively, daily. A good inner springhouse cleaning purges the past. It makes space for the all-new feelings that are positive. This may also require restructuring certain areas of your life to accommodate the flow.

In my personal agreement to clean house, I needed a clean slate to begin anew and that often means releasing those physical things that hold the energies of our past so that I am free to redesign my destiny in alignment with The Divine Plan. After my divorce, I redecorated the whole house and repainted the walls. The house felt different with the new furniture and new drapes, too. As I weed out these old earth energies (and reminders) from my background, I open the space to transform it into my very special place of energy that is now creating my new life. I found I felt success from selecting my new surroundings. My visitors even noticed the new atmosphere and changes.

The recommendation is to utilize the remaining days of this old earth creation cycle to drop that, which is no longer serving you. We are all highly encouraged to heed this call, to cleanse any expired elements from our lives so that we are open to receiving the instruction set to begin implementing our new information. Clearing the way forward means eliminating the past debris that blocks or distracts us from taking important or necessary steps toward the recreation of our lives into a better life.. 

I found that when I identify why I have the resentment, determine what I am demanding, and the look for what I appreciate from the situation or person, I changed. I understood the circumstances that had me stuck in the past were actually helping me to grow up. Part of my clearing the past was to forgive myself for creating those past difficulties and harms for my learning to grow emotionally. I used the Hawaiian prayer:  I am sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, I love you. I reprayed this until my understanding came to me the lesson I needed to learn in that situation and have compassion for the person acting it out. I could no longer blame others for my problems. I became responsible for my life.

I used the pray for releasing my painful situations and people. I needed those lessons for me to learn forgiveness, compassion, and accepting their role in my growing beyond my old fearful reactions that held me back. I found they actually helped me to become the person I have now become. I can now respond in loving solutions without my behavior coming from the past. I am living in the moment, which is a gift and that is why it is called The Present.    

For more detailed instructions for an inner house cleaning, see my book, "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon. It has charts to show you precise ways to address resentment, fear, and more.


I just completed my 11th book, "A Spark of Truth" which is on Amazon.

It is a whistle blowing book, revealing how we became brainwashed in fear for several thousand years and how it effects us today. My other books and E-books are also on Amazon. I have 190 YouTubes, produced, and hosted two radio programs. I paint portraits of angels, (I see them), family, and pets by commission. My art and poetry are included in my books I am now writing "Divinely Protected."


Close Up Radio Spotlights Marilyn L. Redmond


                                         Close Up Radio Spotlights
                              Marilyn L. Redmond of Angelica’s Gifts
                              On March 27, at 1:00 AM Eastern Time

 Reverend Marilyn Redmond shares her books on Close Up, Wednesday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time, Most of us believe we are destined to live a certain life so we follow what society dictates how we should live and frantically search far and wide for true happiness. But how can we realize that true joy is found from within, and we actually have the ability to attain it by tapping into our true authentic selves? Human beings have more control over their destiny than they believe, and the fact is we can achieve what we aspire when we grow, develop, thrive, heal, and live with love and compassion.

 As a highly regarded healer, Marilyn Redmond’s life mission is focused on restoring the planet mind, body, and spirit. Her incredible work as an ordained minister, spiritual counselor, past life regressionist, past life therapist, and teacher has led her on many paths to help her clients. She also channels Ascended Masters, Archangels, and our loved ones who have passed over to the other side that gives us incredible comfort and assurance.

 Marilyn is the author of 11 books, including Road to Success; Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You; Roses Have Thorns; and The Real Meaning of 2012: A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth, Finding Reality Beyond Fear, and her latest book called A Spark of Truth are all at

"The Spark of Truth" is another eye opener and with determination, perseverance, and her own well documented research, Marilyn has sought to open our eyes to the very truth of how much are we literally being lied to and brainwashed for centuries our own government and media.

Marilyn has learned the truth that has surreptitiously been hidden from, because she says, we have been programmed for over 2000 years to live in fear and trepidation by the illuminati, in order to manipulate, brainwash, and control us. Fear has played a tremendous role in blinding us from truth sand we need to let go of our fear -based mind that has enslaved us. Through the remarkable breadth and depth of her research, she releases this hidden information because we need to recognize the truth so we can move out of our old paradigm and shift to a higher level of consciousness and the reality of who we are and what the world is all about. Reach her at, "A Spark of Truth" at,190 videos on You Tube at, and her blog at