Thursday, August 13, 2020


Changing From the Inside Out
By Marilyn L. Redmond


Through my many years of self-searching, prayers, and meditation, I have cleaned out the old for the new life. In doing this, I take responsibility, today. This is the process of growing up and maturing. This has created a new foundation upon which to build my new life of joy, gratitude, living in the presence of love. I am learning to respond to all circumstances and situations in life with a loving solution. These problems are opportunities for my practicing to live from a loving motivation and heart.

 In childhood, my information came from family, friends, and religion. I listened to the doctors and ministers and more problems multiplied. I became addicted from doctors' prescriptions and my minster thought I should stay in my domestic violent marriage of rape. I did not find my answers in reading autobiographies, either. I read every one I could, looking for how famous people arranged their lives.

 My family modeled their beliefs and mindset; however, it was not working for me. I was a sponge and followed my parents lead. At that time, I did not understand that people pass down what they learn without question and keep perpetuating what does not work. Learning that I could create my own mindset to overcome my inherited genetics, not volunteer to be a victim, and release all false beliefs brought freedom. My parents did not mature, but I can. I do not have to live my parents' life.

 In the past, I came from reactions of fear. I acted as a child reacting in my older years as this was the only way I knew. Today, I have become aware that changing to responding in love is the responsible way to live. There have been many traumatic occasions in my life in this growing up time for me to practice.

 "When I was a child, I spoke like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11 I understand today that I cannot change overnight or by a magic wand. It is a step by step process of doing it differently. My 10 books, blog, and, 173 You Tubes have tools and answers for moving forward in life. "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" at Amazon is the ultimate book for this process.    

 Through faith and truth, it is possible to rise above the fear and past family patterns of immaturity, illness, or addictions and live beyond their influence in faith. Moving into the "eye of the hurricane" where there is peace and calmness sounded wonderful to me. As fear and old beliefs are outgrown, maturity develops. This is a good time to seek a spiritual counselor or someone who can help restore total wellbeing from healthy actions. Living in the "Now' and not recreating the family dysfunction creates fearlessness bringing maturity, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love that is also labeled Christ Consciousness.

 When turning my life over to a Creative Intelligence, a Spirit of the Universe underlying the totality of things, I felt a new power and direction to continue in my spiritual journey. My walk in faith moves me further from the qualms and turmoil of the past. I yield to being in the presence of peace.

 I gave up being the director of my life. I daily surrender to a beneficent loving force of the universe for guidance and direction from the love within my heart. I believe submitting to a loving basis for my life was the most difficult decision and action I have taken. Love had always been there, I was afraid to listen and be vulnerable. This was the turning point in my life. Making the decision to allow love to be my assistance and bring direction created a new basis for my life. I changed from being a fear-based person into being a love- based person. Becoming an agent of love is powerful.

Who will I become? Maybe people will not like the real me. What you see is what you get. How will my life be different? Will I even have a life? Telling the truth can be scary. However, expressing my secrets with a trusted person/counselor is freeing. I will have integrity. I will be genuine.


The past is history. For me the change brought forgiveness for all past, present and future people, and events in my life. I give up the emotional strings to be free of reliving my parents' life and my growing up.  I cannot recreate a new past. Therefore, to accept that I can learn from it and move on is a new independence.


Finding forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and unconditional love for all creates a new life in joy. This has brought insight and understanding that I did not expect. Living in the "Now" is a gift that is why it is called The Present.


My efforts have produced wisdom an understanding of the dynamics of life. I have come through major challenges of life and have a new life in the presence of love. Extending this information has become valuable for helping others to move into a better life. Knowing the truth sets me free.

Marilyn is an ordained spiritual minister and medium for readings, counseling, regression, past life therapy, and healing. Check out her website,, her 173 videos on You Tube at, her books at, her blog at








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