My Life with Archangel Michael
By Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond
During Christmas vacation, our
family made a trip to Disneyland as our Christmas treat. We then drove into Mexico for a few
days. On our return home, I wanted to
stop at the Grand Canyon to purchase some artifacts for my classroom. As a
teacher, I felt the students in my classroom needed some hands on items and
pictures of the Navajo. We entered the park from the south, as we were heading
north to Washington State. The morning
of our trip from Flagstaff, Arizona up to the park which is 8,000 feet up,
brought an early surprise of snow. It
was forecasted for the following day.
Since we were headed for a national park, I presumed the roads would be
There was a car coming toward us
on the road of the southern entrance.
With the snow covering the road, it was not possible to see the
centerline. The oncoming car was driving in what we thought was the center of
the road. The road was close to the edge of the canyon. Thinking there would be a shoulder on the
right, we drove to the right for the car to have the main road as it
As my husband applied the brakes
to slow down with their passing us, the tires slid on the ice and we found
ourselves going into the air. Quickly, there were six pairs of hands holding
the car as it was slowly turning upside down like in a slow motion movie. I did not see them, but knew instinctively
there were six angels holding the car as we landed upside down forty feet below
the cliff on a piece of land that jutted out from the side.
The sanding truck from the park
was behind us and radioed the ranger we needed help. Frantically, we tried to escape the car for
fear of it blowing up like in the movies.
My husband and I were upside down in our seatbelts and had trouble
releasing them. Our two children were in the back of the station wagon with
pillows and blankets. This was before seat belt laws.
The ranger scratched his head
and said there had never been an accident this bad before when everyone walked
out without a scratch. The car was towed back to Flagstaff to be repaired over
New Years Week end so I could return to teaching as soon as possible. Archangel
Michael first knowingly appeared in my life as part of the angels who safely
landed my family upside down at the Grand Canyon 40 feet below the edge of the
cliff. It was not until later that he
identified himself as one of those angels.
I happened to be touring the
Grand Canyon several years later on a bus with a spiritual group of Edgar Cayce
members touring the southwest spiritual sites and recognized the energy of the
area. I immediately saw the cliff where I
had gone off. The road had been
moved away from the precipice.
On a family vacation to Canada,
we were enjoying the scenery as we drove toward Jasper from Banff. The cliff
was on the right side of the car and there was no shoulder. My husband passed out at the wheel and we
were heading off the precipice. I was
spooked as in the past he got angry when I touched the steering wheel and I was
too afraid to turn the wheel for the tires to head back to the direction of the
road. One angel put my hand on the wheel
for the tires to turn the wheel. My angel,. Jennifer, had the front end of the
car in her hands and gently placed the car back on the shoulder of the
road. My husband came to and we drove on
down the mountain.
At that time, I did not know who
my angels were. However, later because I was in a domestic violent marriage, I
tried suicide and those angels showed themselves to me. They tied a silk rope
around my arms to stop me taking the prescriptions from the psychiatrist. I did
not plan to go home or be saved. Each of the angels showed themselves, but
After my divorce, I was
meditating and at this time Arangel Michael showed up, thirty –five years ago. .
He said that he was the angel I did not see, because my energy in those days
was so low that he could not lower himself enough. He was the sixth angel. He
gave me the prophecy at that time about the current chaos, politics, and
problems that would be coming so I would be prepared. He told of the tyranny from the presidents
and there would be great chaos and turmoil in their leaving office. He told me to be prepared with water, food,
and cash for these times of transition during our returning to the light on the
Archangel Michel told me about
the books, I would be writing. This prepared me for the 11 books, articles,
counseling, and teaching I would be doing. I was to write, "Paradigm
Busters, Reveal the Real You" as a crossover book from the 12 step
programs for the general population to have the details to come into a higher
He then appeared to me in form
again, while I was touring Europe with the Edgar Cayce spiritual group to visit the sites where Mother
Mary had appeared. I was in a Catholic
Church in Spain, meditating as the weather prevented out next sacred
destination. The energy that appeared next to me was the most powerful energy I
had experienced.. His energy prior had not been this expansive. At first, I
thought the male energy was my angel Eric. Then his booming voice said, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, LORD OF THE WAY."
He came to reassure me that I was writing and teaching "The Way, The Truth
and The Light. He wanted me to be at
ease as I had become doubtful and stressed about my spiritual teaching.
Returning home from Europe, I
saw him again in my art studio. He wanted me to paint his picture. He did not want a fancy picture. In his
humility he said I am not the elaborately ornamented person usually depicting
me. I asked him to tell me how to paint
his picture. I used pastels and tried to
create the vision I saw. He suggested painting him as I saw him as a gauze image,
in a plain while robe just larger than most angels He wanted his hair curly.
Archangel Michael, sent several
angels in human form several times to my classes and workshops to reinforce me
that I was on the path with the teachings.
His presence writes my books, except for one, which was channeled by
Saint Germain, "The Real Meaning of
Now, Archangel Michael and his
angels have been with me daily for many years.
My angel, Angelica, gives me the talents for spiritual counseling, soul
healing, and art. This gave me the name
of Angelica's Gifts for the name of
my many spiritual talents.
On a third frightful trip with a
cliff in Idaho. I screamed, violently,
as I saw from the passenger seat, that the tire was on the very edge of
the cliff and not an inch to spare. This
road was not used in the winter, we heard, but it would be safe during the
summer. On my way to visit my daughter driving with a friend from the
Shakespeare Festival in Ashland to Boise, I thought that was the end of me.
God pulled me out of my body
and had me float over the cliff as I saw
the car would fall off the cliff, but I would be in spirit above watching the
calamity. He said I had nothing to fear,
as I would not be in the car, just my body. These and more stories of my almost
dying 13 times are included in my forthcoming book, "Divinely Protected".
I explain in my book,
"Paradigm Busters" that I came from the Pleiades to help people
suffering on earth. However, Archangel Michael said that I needed to experience
the many issues so others would relate to me. To help others, I needed the understanding
and knowledge gained from the situations to have the same energy level for
others to relate with me. We would be on the same wave length.
Archangel Michael has been my guiding force to endure mental illness, 8 addictions, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual abuse, trauma, domestic violence in childhood becoming valedictorian and a 30 year marriage while I looked good in winning awards and soling with a symphony on the flute. Completing 7 years of college with honors, I struggled in surviving in more domestic violence as an excellent teacher and mother, while I was dying on the inside.
Archangel Michael stopped my husband from killing me several times. He actually removed him from our home. My husband was gone, I never saw him pack a bag or leave. I could not deal with an alcoholic, psychopath, sex addict, and rageaholic any longer. I was dying.
Archangel Michael and I now have daily conversations and marching orders in my meditations and during the day.. I have channeled him for groups in the past, and he has me writing books, (11 at this time), hundreds of articles, and columns for newspapers) becoming a soul healer, spiritual minister, painting angel portraits for others, and spiritual poetry.
Because of my victim and traumatic past, I value the strength and knowledge that comes through me for the projects that Archangel Michael has me doing. A few that stand out are that I have grown from the emotionally shut down age of three into an adult. Another is that I ended up having two radio shows, one is saved on my web site and past recordings of the other one is on You Tube.
Currently, he had me stop a
book in progress to write 'A Spark of Truth" which is like a spiritual primer for the
current political scene. Archangel Michael wants people
to know the agenda behind the current chaos in the government and planet. He
told me to think of it as a hurricane and the storms were on the outer edge of
the hurricane. I was to be in the center
of the hurricane which is called "The Eye" . He said, "God is in
the center and I was to stay as close as possible to God in the center, and I
would be okay." The book came together so smoothly;
I could not believe how easily the information fell into place, daily. It is
like a concise textbook.
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