I Found the Answer
By Marilyn L. Redmond
I want to share my Christmas gift. I realized that in the eyes of
God we are not children or adults they are labels for the material world. When
we are living from our hearts, we can think beyond the fear and into the
truth. WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS. There is no child or
adult, WE JUST ARE... in God's eyes
there is no child or adult, that is the box or material, cultural thinking. When
I move out of the box, I AM, what I AM. That being a spiritual
being growing closer to my Creator which is PURE LOVE that created it all . It
is all good!
We are in the world, but have a choice not to live from labels or
from others advice or rules of the box (of the world). We do not have to label
ourselves, but have a spiritual experience of growing back to our Source. Everything
in the box and our culture separates us from God, We are one with God, atonement, and that is the truth. I can leave the box of a childhood label or
health problems and grow into the loving spirit that created me. God sees me
through the eyes of love, throughout our learning, experiences and takes care
of our needs. I accept the perfect love of God and know I am dearly loved. I
live in joy, gratitude, compassion and love in celebration, the Presence of
At Christmas, I could see the mental illness in two family members.
They are depressed, unhappy, and looking for love in all the wrong places where
they spend money looking for happiness. I had compassion, as they mirrored my
family growing up. It took 2 days for me to regain my sanity as they suck your
energy for their survival.
Thank God, I did not buy into the box of mental illness 39 years
ago. I have been declared sane. At emotionally the age of three, the label was
meaningless. I lived the 12 Steps to be free from the box of labels, and negativity
of the past, and found healthy behaviors. In Al-anon, I learned not to be
co-dependent to a man or a savior. I have to move out of the box and save
myself from my ego, which is Edging God Out. I release all labels, religions,
fear, and lack of truth that separates me from my loving Creator to be in the
reality of the loving consciousness of creation.