Saturday, November 30, 2024


Spirituality vs. Religion

By Marilyn L. Redmond

Currently, people are more aware of the expression spirituality. It can be easily confused with religion, However they are not the same. This article attempts to explain the differences. I attended a church for 50 years and never heard the word spirituality. I came to understand they are in opposition.

 Simply, spiritual is. It is the highest vibrations and frequencies of a beneficent energy force or coconsciousness that creates everything and is within everything. In meditation, you tap into this high energy of truth and love. This very high vibration is not visible to the naked eye. Therefore it has been discounted by many. Whereas, in religion you are listening to the dogma, doctrine, and belief system to which you are to adhere.

 Religion is from the realm of visible sight. In the material world, everything is observable with the naked eye. Science can measure it for size weight, or years, recreating the same results. Schools, religion, medicine, and culture continue to teach what you observe in the perceptible world as if that is the truth upon which to build.

Framing our knowledge in life on what is tangible or told to us from experts, authority, and powerfully rich has been unquestioned for years. Therefore, the agenda behind the surface continues to be accepted until now, Quantum Physics has brought a deeper insight to the origin and meaning of our beingness and origins. Truth is changing from what we have been taught or told for centuries to revealing an additional truthful explanation. The metaphors and language from ancient times are being explained in a new understanding. The old words and images were purposely used to deceive the people.  

Terms were invented to reframe the truth with judgment that blocks reality. People are programmed  to be fearful, unworthy, shameful, worried, powerless, helpless, and more. Language is used against us with meanings that are not truthful about our real heritage. People are awakening to these lies and manipulations that have become common to control the masses.

If people feel powerless, a lack, insecure, abandoned, or shameful then they can be taught to look outside themselves for a savior, superman, government, or medication to "fix" them. This is where religion, government, education, and later medicine got their power over the people. Mistakenly, people think their answers are from others. They will supply their needs. However, this makes the person a victim and dependant on something or someone external to save them. Creeds, rituals, and beliefs become the answer to those that buy into someone or something to have the answers, "fix", or rescue them. Now media, television, news, and organizations have bought into this deceit. It has become a full-blown propaganda to keep the people in a mental bondage where you are criticized for asking questions, having a different opinion, or finding a diverse perception.

For eons of years, this indoctrination has been a constant but a subtle way to form an oppressive civilization for the benefit of the privileged and rich. The goal to depopulate the planet for their benefit is the hidden agenda. Creating diversions, wars, and now bioweapons called vaccinations is about fewer people to control. The ultimate goal of the depopulation is to implant technology for programming those left to be subservient and benefit the prosperity of the rich. Ultimately, this would eliminate the God source within every person. Without the light of the Creator within only darkness is left. Evil is a lack of light.

Spirituality differs in the aspects listed above. Simply, spirituality is the source of love. Tesla said, "If you want to understand the universe it is energy, vibration, and frequency"   God is a label for this energy. Two thousand years ago, people did not understand energy or love and therefore the word God came to be a common word for this power or consciousness within everything, including human beings. . 

Originally, many sacred texts were left out of the Bible. The remaining manuscripts were rewritten several times to disempower the believers. Some truths were left to allow life. Love sustains life. The editing inserted what the followers were to think from the dogma and doctrines that are man-made. The pulpit cherry picks the dogma for sermons. For the most part people do not read the Bible with the truthful passages of each person being a child of a loving universe.

The word belief has the word "lie: in it and comes from ego thinking based in fear. With a small amount of truth along with false information, people were to depend on the church for their answers and salvation, Thus looking outside themselves for redemption rather than within their hearts, brought the ultimate fall of man. They were separated from their Creator.

With most religions, people can never be saved except by an outside means as a personal redeemer. This idea continued into having a hero including the government, education, medicine, etc. Looking for someone to liberate us has kept people victims and believing we are powerless over our own lives. The truth of our own authority and worthiness is missing and not told of our own inheritance. .

Accepting spirituality is not easy when trusting yourself is not acceptable if you are taught to trust someone else. It comes in stages of changing your perception to trusting yourself. To move from the false information into more and more truth can be shocking. However, the truth does set us free.

Many do not see themselves as a cherished person, created in love, from the programming of being a sinner, unworthy, and destined for hell subtly promoted for centuries,. Added to this the factor that ancestors extend their generational abuse and misinformation to the younger ones in the family. This lack of reality is passed on. We are waking up to this lack of truth. Living your own life rather than the family patterns brings freedom to be yourself.

Since fear has kept us in our heads where fear rules our lives, to allow a new message of love is not easy. One by one releasing the false for the truth allows the heart to open to receive the love of the Creator. In fear, the walls of our heart kept out the love. It is a complicated emotional readjustment to accept the love in your heart to enter and fill you. Becoming a love-based person instead of our reacting from our fear-based life, is an opportunity to move into reality and maturity. However, it is a slow and sometime painful experience to open up to the truth. The results are joy and enlightenment,   

Fear is a form of insanity. A lack of self-honesty brought my misery. When I found this out, I vowed to be as honest with myself as I could be, as I did not want to be mentally ill like my mother. Spirituality is based in honesty with yourself. I am a child of a loving Creator, who like a Heavenly Father guides and protects me in all ways. The love within gives me worthiness, power, courage, self-confidence, and self-love. I am reborn into reality. Love is realty. Knowing today that there is nothing wrong with me and there never was brings a new life.

I looked very good while I was dying inside. I had never listed to my heart. Previously, I only had listened to others tell me how bad I was. I had worried about what others thought about me, instead of being true to myself. The more I released the negative emotions and replaced them with love and grace, the better my life improved. I started liking myself, instead of sabotaging my life. I started making decisions from my intuition.

I know today that I need the light from my soul to sustain life. I was actually told by a doctor that I was dying thirty-nine years ago. Without my soul shinning as a flame in my heart, I lived in the darkness. Nothing can grow in the dark. The depression left as the rays of light filled me. The more I allow the divinity within to guide my life the difficulties were less. Moving into the light of the Creator brings  daylight into my life for reality. I found the love within. Love and light are reality.

I tried faith and found it brings prodigious results. The answer was total faith in a higher power of PURE LOVE. I am growing in faith today. The universe supports me in all things. I trust the universe to take care of me and bring my needs. The commitment to turn my life over to a loving energy was not easy for me. 

Now each morning, I turn my day over to the care of my Creator. My Creator takes better care of me than my parents, husband, boss, or husband ever did. I have been blessed. I pray and meditate for my answers. When releasing my past, my ego, fear, and judgments, I identify each issue to release as the universe works best, when I am specific. Answers come to me, when I am open to receiving them. If I have no worries of the future and have forgiven my past, living in the now is possible.

My inner knowing is truth. I feel joy, forgiveness, compassion and love as I accept the perfect love of my Creator and know that I am dearly loved. When I live in the moment, it is a gift and that is why it is called THE PRESENT. I am now living in the Presence of  God. I allow that energy of love and grace to fill me and my day goes well. I have moved into reality.  

This is described more precisely in "Paradigm Busters" at Amazon. It is called a psychic change as you move from your fear-based life into a love-based life. We are reborn into the love that created us. Love never fails.