What You Are Not Being Told
Are you thinking that all the promoting of technology is good? What is Artificial Intelligence? Have you thought why A.I is artificial? When it does not come from your heart, you are not listening to reality or truth. The lack of reality is a path away from the love of the universe that created us in love.
I was dying before I learned to move into my heart. There is nothing artificial that can sustain life. The lack of love is the basis for artificial intelligence as it is not motivated from the soul, which is a "piece of God" that resides in your heart. Our souls have the love and life for living. Through my research and curiosity, I found how the truth was changed in history to lead us into more darkness.
The planet has subtly been indoctrinated down a path that leads from reality that is the love with which we were created and makes us human. This clever and devious path from governments, religion, education, and more currently medicine, sports, and other distractions keeps our focus in our heads. The ego/head messages some say is Edging God Out. It motivates our thoughts and actions that come from fear, insecurity, lack of self worth.
We feel separated from God. This separation is not real, but has been promoted through programming in cultures for thousands of years. It is our daily conscious connection to the eternal love within, that sustains and provides our needs. Society has been set up to tell us that we are to turn without, to trust authority, advice, and those in power. This conflict between staying separated in the dark or trusting the light of our Creator has come to a new stage of needing to make a choice. Are you going to continue to listen to the voices of fear that is the path out of reality or choose love, sanity, health, and serenity?
Conflicts of interest keep our focus out of reality It comes from those that want to be in power on the planet from their dark and evil ways with the population benefiting them. It is called The One World Order. It is not about people having choice, free will, thinking for themselves in freedom to live their life as they desire.
Not having one view of the universe through religion taught for the last two thousand years, a lack of religion, a different one, or no religion is often denounced. People have been killed through planned conflict between countries, religious was, and genocides to suppress differing views. This brought years of the Spanish Inquisition and two World Wars for the United States.
In addition, currently people who are not authorities in the medical field have taken over how the population's health with mandates no one seems to question. Does the government or a rich person know more than the scientists who have been in the field for years with credentials and awards that have answers that are effective without harm work? What happened to the right to choose about your own health?
Furthermore, the banking system is a source of the wealth of the rich. It was designed to keep the people in debt and the profits go into the pockets of the bankers and the elite. In addition, teachers are told what to teach and not allow the gifts of the child to be honored. In fact, if the child is not in line, they are drugged and it is called ADHD.
Another form of this was medical experiments performed under Hitter. This has not been explored during or since that regime. The agenda behind them is still happening and hidden from the public. In addition, over the years, our culture through government, banking, religion, education, medicine, and more has deliberately but slyly been teaching people to be sheeple.
More and more laws take away our freedoms and no one seems to step up to the plate and say the surveillance and lack of privacy has taken away our liberty. Scores of people are acting like lemmings being lead off the cliff. The need to have everyone think alike is promoted. Are we all rubber stamps of each other? Using your heart, instinct, imagination, creativity, or hunch gives you power and not them
With setting up so many distractions for people as sports, propaganda as news, wanting fame and success, creates separations within the population. It is said that united we stand and divided we fall. In setting up wars, distractions, or creating an enemy keeps people powerless. We are so divided in politics, beliefs, and from fear that we have given up our power found in unity by supporting our individual needs, caring, and sharing with others. Naively, we have given away our power to the dark forces.
The cabal, Illuminati, etc. keep us misinformed and lie about what we need really to know. They promote pushing pills in commercials that are toxic, scripted news and not journalism, television of what will amuse people so they do not look for what is really happening. This promotes a life of living in an illusion that is a deception. Most people are living in a dream like 'merrily, merrily life is but a dream' and not reality. It is time to burst the bubble on the dream and return to our humanity as we were created.
Nothing grows in the dark. The darkness is a lack of light. It is time to turn to the light in all things and move our consciousness into a higher vibration of love within and for all. Living in It is time to awake up that A.I, which is the anti-Christ, is not the answer. The darkness is a lack of light. joy, happiness, and fulfilling our own path in life comes from our heart and is real. Love/light is the same vibration and is reality. It supports and sustains life. I rather live creating my own life as a human being instead living in the darkness enslaved.
Let us all bring light/love into our hearts. Claim our personal power as a child of a loving universe that supports us in all things. In realty the light brings, abundance, prosperity and our inheritance as a child of a beneficent universe that supports us all. love never fails. All things work for good for those that have love and are on that path.
My forthcoming book will be on Amazon. "A Spark of Truth", explores government, banking, religion, the elite, education, our food, and more bringing real answers to the propaganda that permeates our history, news, and television.