Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Contact Marilyn for your spiritual help: Readings, Counseling, Past Life Therapy, Healing Core Issues, Her Books and Your Angel Paintings and Family Portraits

Reverend Marilyn Redmond, CHT, IBRT. BA in Ed, International Speaker, International award winning writer, International Author, International Consultant, International Columnist, International Board of Regression therapy, Therapeutic Hypnotist, Past Life Therapy,  ordained minister for spiritual counseling, artist, and give readings. 

Marilyn's newest book, FINDING REALITY BEYOND FEAR, is now available at It is her path into being medically free of all prescriptions and beliefs that stopped health, sanity, and happiness. She found that the love within her heart is health. It is an inside job. Love heals: love never fails.

Her  ultimate "how to book" is “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You,” which reveals how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of domestic violence, mental illness, addictions, disease and life's' challenges.

Marilyn recently published, "Road to Success" and inspirational book for those wanting to be on the spiritual path. My first book, Roses Have Thorns:  chronicles her traumatic journey in poetry. Her second book, “The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth”, explains how to reduce the influence of the ego. Marilyn's ten books and eBooks are on She illustrates all her own books. Her international column is in "The Sussex Newspaper" monthly, as their wellness expert.

Her new, live call in radio show, "Love Never Fails" allows you to call in with your questions every Tuesday at 3:00PM Pacific Time on at 866-451-1451. She is the speaker for this millennium and offers a wide range of information for curious listeners. Marilyn answers your questions from her experience, understanding, and insight. She has unique knowledge and wisdom of the human dilemma and the solutions that will work for you, too.

Marilyn's pioneering and innovative work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy, restores health and reality. She is available for interviews, seminars, individual counseling, and regression therapy. In addition, she paints your angels, pets, and family members by commission.

Marilyn is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. She teaches in colleges, wellness centers, and for metaphysical groups. Marilyn's many interviews, lectures, and spiritual information are on You Tube. Her TV and other appearances are big successes. 

Web site is
Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube at   

Contact her at 253-845-4907 or

Search for God meets on Dec. 6, 2018


We will begin again on December 6, 2018

 7-9 PM  in Edgewood, Washington

Call Marilyn at 253-845-4907  RSVP

and for details and questions about our discussion group  for spiritual principles. 

ABOUT ADHD--Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

While I still taught in the public schools in the 70's, a label was attached to children acting out in class. Those needing help to handle their behavior in my class were sent for a hair test by the school psychologist. Missing minerals and other elements were detected to balance the child's chemistry through a hair test. Proper nutrition was provided through the specially prepared school lunches, for two boys in my room. After two weeks, the boys were acting appropriate in the classroom. After the psychologist retired, Ritalin was prescribed rather than using diet to help the students. In my experience, I found that drugs are toxic and stop emotional growth and good feelings.

During my research for another article, I found a common thread among the many school shootings in the news. In speaking with a security guard at one of the schools, he divulged that the shooting students were on prescriptions, including Ritalin.

The following excerpt is from my research article, "Are the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and School Authorities Manufacturing Insanity",

…In the Columbine incident great attention was in the media, without the real cause. That the students were on drugs was not widely shared. One survivor of Columbine, Mark Taylor, in his testimony before the FDA 9/13/2004 stated, “As Americans we should have the right to feel safe and if you were doing your job we would be safe. Why are we worrying about terrorists in other countries when the pharmaceutical companies have proven to be our biggest terrorists by releasing these drugs on an unsuspecting public? The manufacture did not disclose the negative side effects of antidepressant-induced manic behaviors like fire starting, violence and aberrant behavior as the high profits came in. They are potentially habit forming, meaning addictive and create long-term patients and then profits. A pill does not assist in dealing with life. Let us support our youth in dealing with their problems utilizing effective, natural drug-free solutions…

US American psychiatrist, Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish Immigrants, who was the “Scientific father of ADHD” said at the age or 87 in his last interview, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” Since 1968, Leon Eisenberg’s “disease” was expressed in the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as “hyperkinetic reaction of childhood”, now called “ADHD in the United States.

The use of Ritalin raised the question that it amounted to interference in the child’s freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which “considerably curtails their freedom and impairs their personality development.

The issue led to the investigation of “financial ties” to the pharmaceutical industry. They found there was a financial association between those prescribing with companies in the medicinal manufacturing. In addition, they found a one hundred percent financial tie to drug companies for other prescribed drugs, especially for the treatment for mental disorders.

In my practice, I found that one child in a typical dysfunctional family will act out the family's emotional baggage. The student carries the anger, shame and other emotional weight of the family and becomes the scapegoat. Placing children in the hands of a pharmaceutical market because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of human behavior and raising children is a form of insanity. Let us return to the basic matter of individual psychology and education where the child is to acquire personal responsibility and appropriate behavior under sensible guidance involving the family and the schools.